Wii vs. N64 vs. GC: The First 16 Months Compared


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
One of the reasons cited by Nintendo for Wii’s lack of HD and processing power was that it would help developers create games on shorter time scales. So with this in mind I decided to take a look at how Nintendo’s software support for Wii compares to their two previous consoles: the GameCube and the N64 during the first 16 months they were on sale.

Most Titles Overall

This chart (click to enlarge) shows the cumulative number of titles published by Nintendo for their respective consoles during the first 16 months they were on sale in the U.S.

While all 3 consoles were fairly even during their first 6 months, Nintendo has been able to publish titles with greater regularity after this period on Wii. The GameCube in particular had a comparatively barren post launch period, but kept pace with the N64 afterward without coming close to Wii’s numbers.

Winner: Wii (18 games)
Runner-up: N64 (13 games)

Now that it’s established that Wii had the most games, let’s take a look at which console had the best games.

First 3 Months

All three consoles were blessed with 4 Nintendo published games during this time, but it’s the N64 that really stands out with the seminal Mario 64; quite possibly the greatest launch game ever created. Wave Race and Pilotwings 64 were also excellent companion titles allowing the N64 to just beat out the GameCube.

Winner: N64
Runner-up: GameCube (Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin, Smash Bros. Melee, Wave Race: Blue Storm)

3-6 Months

A close run contest between Wii and N64 sees the latter winning by a slim margin. While they both had their flaws, Mario Kart 64 and Shadows of the Empire were both highly enjoyable games.

Winner: N64
Runner-up: Wii (Wii Play, Super Paper Mario)

6-9 Months

While both the GameCube and N64 had just 1 excellent Nintendo published title during this time, Wii had a mixed bag of 4. This is a tough one to call, but the quality of Mario Strikers: Charged is the deciding factor.

Winner: Wii
Runner-up (tie): N64 (Blast Corps), GameCube (Eternal Darkness)

9-12 Months

All three consoles were strong during this period, but the combination of the influential Goldeneye 007 and Starfox 64 gives the N64 the edge.

Winner: N64
Runner-up: GameCube (Super Mario Sunshine, Animal Crossing, Star Fox Adventures)

12-16 Months

Not only does Wii have most titles during this time, 2 of them happen to be Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. While the GameCube and N64 began to suffer from a lack of Nintendo published titles, Wii seems to be gaining strength.

Winner: Wii
Runner-up: GameCube (Metroid Prime)

Overall Winner: Wii

It’s clear Nintendo has been able to furnish its latest console with more games than it has in the past, and this seems to have been done with no negative effect on quality. While the N64 may have started off with better software, Wii appears to have greater momentum going into its second year.

Wii’s familiar architecture and lack of HD does appear to have genuinely helped Nintendo improve their software support.
or it could be that they are selling so well. linkage
Ya its the number of consoles that are making them sell so well, The Nintendo titles themself have always been quality and sell very well even the many many sequals always sell over a million at worst.
Nintendo is one of the very few companys that can recycle an idea over and over and it still is a blast to play.

Biggest problem with Nintendo game sales have always been how many consoles are out. Nintendo only releases games on there own consoles/handhelds, pretty obvious I know.
Still Nintendo has always had the best selling games, the only thing that has ever hurt there sales numbers is the acctual console/handheld numbers themself. If Nintendo were to release there 1st party games on other consoles/handhelds you would never see any other game publisher even get within the same level as Nintendo.

Top 10 Selling games of all time. All Nintendo Titles

Super Mario Bros Nintendo______________________40.24 Million
Pokemon Red / Green / Blue Nintendo ____________31.38 Million
Tetris Nintendo_______________________________30.26 Million
Duck Hunt Nintendo___________________________ 28.31 Million
Pokemon Gold / Silver Nintendo__________________23.11 Million
Super Mario World Nintendo_____________________ 20.61 Million
Wii Sports Nintendo____________________________19.75 Million
Super Mario Land Nintendo______________________18.14 Million
Nintendogs Nintendo___________________________17.66 Million
Super Mario Bros 3 Nintendo_____________________17.28 Million

I know some of them are also games that are bundled with the system in most area's, but honestly thats just a smart idea on Nintendo's end. Not only do they sell the most games but they have the lowest priced consoles and give you something to do outta the box. We can also start to tack on some more to these numbers now that VC copies of them are selling very well.

If Sony would have done this with the PS1 or PS2 they would have the number 1 and 2 slot for best selling game. Xbox and 360 would also have made the cut into the top 10. Problem is its hard to include a free game when your already taking a loss on a console just trying to compete. Nintendo seems to be able to do it just about every time and still pull in a profit.

Nintendo earned the rejuvenation, it has been a few years for them to have this kind of sucess. Go Nintendo Go!
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Nice article.

I think its safe to assume Wii's Full Second Year will be a good one with Nintendo games anyways, much more so than what Gamecube and N64 had.

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