Super Ninjarator
- Apr 4, 2007
- 6,677
- 105
- Wii Online Code
- 3881-9484-9041-5848

Nintendo are taking this Wii Ware business seriously. At their Fall Press Conference today they announced a new Pokemon title for the service, called Pokemon Bokujyou. As in, Pokemon Farm. As in, the very raw essence of Pokemon. The point is that Pokefans can transfer their Pokemans (from Diamond or Pearl) to the Wii, and once there they can tend to them. Raise them. Perhaps even snuggle them, all on their very own Pokemon farm. Sounds idyllic. But looks a little...unsettling.
More news from the cappin' based on the big conference held by Nintendo.
Now all this WiiWare stuff was to be considered as a copy to the rival consoles own services such as xboxs live arcade. Nintendo are taking all this seriously and might be taking the whole xbox live arcade simple idea further with lucrative titles heading towards it such as final fantasy and the first party Pokemon bokujyou which breifly translates to Pokemon Farm.
The idea is simple, transfer your pokemon over to your wii (More Ds-Wii connectivity) and simply raise them on your farm with mii like characters. It looks like a nice little calm game, not much is known but hopefully we will get some updates on this prior to release.