Possible hidden message in Wii press pic


WiiChat Member
Jul 7, 2006
You may know the rumor about Nintendo hiding cryptic messages in recent publications: http://wii.ign.com/articles/720/720864p1.html

Well, I was looking over the various Nintendo "experience" pics and saw this one:http://wii.nintendo.com/images/fea_gamepg_wwsm.png

Take a look at the girl's shirt (the one playing). Of all T-shirts that she could've worn, why this one? "US 101" could the US release date possibly be on October first (10/1)? Another cryptic possibility from Nintendo.
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Well spotted, or maybe taking into account the '1' in the game screenshot it could be October 10th?

Who knows :)
thats so wierd. why would a japanese girl be wearing that shirt. Also that was originally the first date that it was said to be released.(Its A SUNDAY!!)Awesome find Kaps.
Those carzy nintendo executives with their mindgames!! :p

October does seem like a reasonable release date, since they said they want to beat the ps3 to the race (which comes out on my birthday i might add ... OH NOES!!!!!11111111)

I wish they would just come out and say it .... damn closet cases
or maybe, instead of 10/1, maybe it will be released january of the year 2001?! Yes, just maybe, nintendo started working on the wii 7 years ago and shipped them to stores but did not tell anyone because they feard Y2K!!! THATS IT, I JUST CRACKED THE CODE!! OMFG ROXORZ!!!1111111111

my geniousnessecity truly amazes me sometimes.
I'm betting on November 18th for my own reasons. Its what I got after trying to crack that message.

but the us 101 does seem convincing.....
struss789 said:
thats so wierd. why would a japanese girl be wearing that shirt. Also that was originally the first date that it was said to be released.(Its A SUNDAY!!)Awesome find Kaps.
Nintendo always releases a console on Sunday!!!!

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