Region-free Wii?


Pondering Member
Jun 30, 2006
A basement on the hill.
Wii Online Code
"The DS has been an overwhelming success. Are you looking into using the same fundamentals -- like, for instance, its region-free standard -- for Wii?"

Perrin Kaplan, vice president of marketing and corporate communications, Nintendo of America:
"Clearly, the success of Nintendo DS has offered a lot of lessons about what works in the marketplace -- and we certainly intend to keep our fans satisfied. For the Wii system, we are finalizing all the relevant details and will be making announcements in the coming months. We know that isn't what you all want to hear (or read) but at least we are being honest!

We will share a lot of ways people can play globally, regionally, without boundaries. You're right that the region-free approach has proved to be a successful and attractive feature for Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Nintendo DS -- we have even blown the doors off our own anticipated numbers!

Cost, ease-of-use and player privacy are the three things that were a focus for us with Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Those priorities also will apply to the Wii system."


Who here hopes Wii is region-free?
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Arcadium said:
Can u explain a lil bit better what is region free?

Many games are region-restricted, meaning, for example, you can't play a Japanese-region PS2 game on a North American-region PS2, which is really annoying because then the only way you can play that Japanese-region PS2 game is on a Japanese-region PS2, costing you money and trouble. Sometimes, one game can have multiple region versions, so you can't play with Japanese players online if you are in North America, or the UK.

There are modchips you can buy to make a PS2 region free, but they will void your warranty, not work on all import games, and could make your console malfunction.

If Wii is region free, like the DS is, then you will be able to play any game that comes out for it from anywhere, instead of having to buy a Japanese Wii to play Japanese games, a UK Wii to play UK games, etc. and play people around the world; so you, in Colombia, you could play me online in America.
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how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
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haha youve got to be kidding right? he just explained it! :lol:

region free means you can play any wii game from anywhere no matter what country the game is from. Like for instance, some games are only made in Japan and only work on consoles sold in Japan. If the wii is region free, you can play those japanese games without buying a seperate japan console.

i dont know how to make it more clear than that

and yes i do hope the wii is region free. A game being region restricted is retarted for many reasons mainly because region restricted games dont make as much money for one (unless extremely popular) and 2, it pisses me off to not be able to do things like fight the dark aeons on FFX because you can only do that on the non international version :mad:
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wiiener said:
haha youve got to be kidding right? he just explained it! :lol:

region free means you can play any wii game from anywhere no matter what country the game is from. Like for instance, some games are only made in Japan and only work on consoles sold in Japan. If the wii is region free, you can play those japanese games without buying a seperate japan console.

i dont know how to make it more clear than that

and yes i do hope the wii is region free. A game being region restricted is retarted for many reasons mainly because region restricted games dont make as much money for one (unless extremely popular) and 2, it pisses me off to not be able to do things like fight the dark aeons on FFX because you can only do that on the non international version :mad:
Thank you for actually reading before you post, wiiener.

Don't worry about it irishman. We all get a free "oops, sorry I asked that already answered question" post.;)

Back on the topic, I too am praying Wii will be region free!! I recently bought Vib-ribbon, an old Japanese-encoded PS1 game, thinking I could just buy one of those swap-disc things that tricks the PS2 into playing import games, but then I read, after winning the auction on eBay, that Vib-ribbon is one of the few games that doesn't work using a swap-disc, so now I have to figure out which mod-chip to get for my PS2.:mad:
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I've noticed the trend of region restricted games is starting to die out (PS3 is region free, and a few XBox 360 games are region free too), but Nintendo have always been a traditional company and I don't think they'll do it yet. I hope I'm wrong though.

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