Wii's capabilities too much for us??


|Losing Faith Nintendo|
Dec 20, 2006
Throwin it up for the big SD.
I came across an article today that quoted Perrin Kaplan exec at nintendo about the Wii's "coming" online play.

I found this to be very interesting...

Perrin Kaplan said:
"Worldwide online play is a priority for Nintendo and you will see it," Kaplan said during an interview with GameSpy.

Kaplan said that if the company had shown off all the Wii can do - what with the Wii remote, the channels interface, Miis, and more - people would have been confused.

"I just think it would have overloaded the mass consumer," she said. "We have more things coming, and online is definitely one of them."

I'm reading... nintendo thinks we're not capable of comprehending the wii n all the things it can do... but i wanna read... "nintendo is pushing to complete and finalize its apsirations for the Wii but we assure the consumer that the end product will not dissapoint"

I think this lady is feedin BS and its a tad insulting to us gamers.


here is the article
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yeah, i aggree. that doesnt really make sence. i mean its like really easy... how could it all of a sudden get hard? all u gota do is point the d*** thing at the TV!
I take it to mean that nintendo is looking for people who didnt play games very much before to by the Wii.If this happens it would be to much for a consumer with little experience at gaming to take in all in at once.They didnt mean that the hardcore main stream gamers would have trouble.OK Ill put it this way.What if your grandparents bought a wii.Would they know how to work all the facits of the console.They barely would beable to put the disc in and play it.Bringing onlibe play along a little later lets everyone get use to the controls,miis,and channels first before tackling the online.I think its a good move from nintendo.But would I love online now of course but I can wait for my grannys sake.
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i see what you are saying but... i really dont think that first time gamers (grandma grandpa mom dad anyone above the age of 35) are going to buy the wii in the first 4 months of its release when its so hard to obtain like it is right now. These non gamers aren't the ones i'd think are getting their hands on the wii already. In another few months the wii will be mostly to full capability... so these non gamers are definitely going to be confused then. Since the wii is complex before the non gamers are even getting wii into their homes.

I think it was a half ass way of sayin we are pushing to get finished with the wii but stuff is still at loose ends and we are droping the ball. She didnt want to say that so she blames ignorant consumers. :nonod:
I think she simply means that they wanted to ease people into the different aspects of the Wii. First get people used to the controls, then the channels, then VC, and finally online. I could see where some casual gamers could get turned away, especially since they had to overcome the control hurdle.

On the other hand, it could just be a cover for a marketing ploy. First we buy the wii games for the snazzy controls, then when the drought ensues we buy VC titles, and once they get their nostalgia fix, they spring online on us. I'm keeping my eye on you Nintendo... very sneaky.
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Remember, Wii's target audience arn't hardcore gamers. The comment wasn't directed at technology-bright people.
I don't get it, what the hell do you mean by hardcore gamer? I consider myself a hardcore gamer and I only play Nintendo games, what? since I play only Wii games I'm not hardcore? you are dumb, my friend if that's how you think
Well, she may have a point. Right now, we could all use online play for the wii pretty well, as we know alot about our wii's and how to use them.

You hear alot about Xbox live being complicated and PS3's online play being complicated, now imagin it being complicated on the wii when you first buy one. EVERYTHING is new, controlls, style, games, and i think nintendo didnt want to complicate their customers anymore by releasing online for launch.

I think releasing Online play for the wii should be released mid-march. This way, we all have a good idea about how our wii's work, and how to use Friend codes and what not.

Try to look at it from Nintendo's point of view. The last thing they needed was people complaining about how hard the wii is to use, even when the Wii's main aim is to be very easy to use.
I think you guys are all off the mark. It doesn't have anything to do with easing people into all of the features. That's a load of marketing BS for "we needed to get it released before the holiday season and we needed to get it out the door at or before the time the PS3 became available." They knew the channels weren't going to be ready and decided it would be far smarter to release the system in Nov. 2006 and then release the weather and news channels later.

The virtual console games are being released in the way they are for at least a couple of reasons. One of those reasons is simply that it takes time to modify the games to play on the VC. They're not changing much but it does take time. They need to create the operations guide and make sure the game can save on the internal memory of the Wii. Some battery backed games like LoZ also have the warnings removed about holding reset when turning off the power.

The other thing about VC games is they released a large number of so-so games simply to fill out the store because a full store is more interesting. As the store gets more full I think we'll see more and more top rated games as time goes on.

Saying that Nintendo didn't want to overwhelm the new person is hogwash because when holiday season 2007 comes around the store will have a large number of items, there will probably be even more channels "shipping with" the Wii and many more games.
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First off...

Axtlar said:
I don't get it, what the hell do you mean by hardcore gamer? I consider myself a hardcore gamer and I only play Nintendo games, what? since I play only Wii games I'm not hardcore? you are dumb, my friend if that's how you think

i dont know where you're coming from bud.. sorry


mym6 said:
Saying that Nintendo didn't want to overwhelm the new person is hogwash because when holiday season 2007 comes around the store will have a large number of items, there will probably be even more channels "shipping with" the Wii and many more games.

thats just part of what you said but i agree with all of it... i just thought of it (ok lets forget insulting) as a lame Cop-out for her (the CEO) to say nintendo didnt want to overwhelm the consumer. Its obvious that they just were not finished with everything.. i'm shure all of the nintendo ideamen n workhorses aren't sitting around at a local bar celebrating the finished wii... they are STILL working on things and therefore are not finished.
I saw a CNN news reporter report news on this gene that can make people live longer. This was the same news reporter who gave the same report a few years ago, and asked the same dumb founded questions. Average news reporters are the dumbest, most corrupt people on Earth. Not all are like that, but this is a system that punishes any form of brain power. The more you can look the other way and collect the bribes, the more air time they get. I garauntee she was paid to bash Nintendo.

I'm very pleased to know Nintendo is still serious about online gaming.
What I taker her to mean is that they didn't want to advertise and market that aspect of the Wii.

They wanted to make the Wii seem simple and easy to use.

As for online, VC, and other channels. Yes Nintendo released early for the holiday and to compete witht he PS3. I say that it was a smart move, even though they were lacking in VC titles and online at the time.

To me this puts me at ease because I was worried about their commitment to online play. So they couldn't put it out at release because the release really was early.
mym6 said:
I think you guys are all off the mark. It doesn't have anything to do with easing people into all of the features. That's a load of marketing BS for "we needed to get it released before the holiday season and we needed to get it out the door at or before the time the PS3 became available."

I disagree considering online was already out in Japan.

What everyone said is pretty much correct, they are trying to appeal to the non gaming world. Plus none of the games out right now are online. If they gave us online on release then everyone would be complaining that there's no online games. There's no way to win, people are going to complain regardless.

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