Post Your Wii Sports Rankings

tarheelsuperman gonna be zoppity
Dec 9, 2006
The Tarheel State
I did a search on Wii Sports and didn't see where anyone had posted Wii Sports rankings. So in the sake of stirring up some friendly competition, post your Wii Sports ranks for all five sports and a total. If you feel like you have a shot at being the forum champ in any sport and/or overall Post your screen shots. I'll get the ball rolling with my ranks even though I suspect I'm not the champ at any sport or overall. I'll update the champs as they roll in.

Tennis 1319
Baseball 695
Bowling 1529
Golf 1346
Boxing 2541
Total 7430

Tennis Champ: tonyr1988 - 2261
Baseball Champ: tonyr1988 - 813
Bowling Champ: tarheelsuperman - 1529
Golf Champ: tarheelsuperman - 1346
Boxing Champ: tarheelsuperman - 2541
WiiSport Champ: tarheelsuperman - 7430

If this has already been posted and I missed it FLAME ON! :mad5:
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Don't know if it helps or not, but I was bored, so I setup a Google Spreadsheet for should make updating it easier (a tad more organized than having it all in pages of posts). It's located here:

To edit it, I need your e-mail address, though. If you want, PM it to me and I'll add you as a collaborator. Now, it just has a list of the top scores, but functions to automatically determine the top people in each sport wouldn't be hard at all.

Lemme know if you like it or not - if not, no took a whole 5 minutes. :)
Tennis: 1723
Bowling: 1104
Boxing: 829
Golf: 1232
Baseball: 996
Total: ???? (can't be arsed to add up)
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I like the spreadsheet idea...but from the looks of it not too many people on the board are interested. Lets give it a few more days and I'll pm you if there are more that sign up.
Tennis: 1027
Baseball: 411 (The worst of the Wii Sports... it sucks.)
Bowling: 1510
Golf: 1599
Boxing: 723.... (nearly sucks as much as baseball.......)

Total: 5270
tarheelsuperman said:
I like the spreadsheet idea...but from the looks of it not too many people on the board are interested. Lets give it a few more days and I'll pm you if there are more that sign up.

There's an WII browser enabled site, where you can submit and view your Wii Sports rankings, for those of you who've got internet connection on their Wii.
It also works on a PC, but it's designed for the Wii Browser.

Check it out:

Wii Sports Ranking

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