Private messaging disabled for now

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Apr 30, 2006
As usual its the minority that spoil it for the majority, its come to my attention that other last week few weeks we've had members abusing the PM system.

The PM system has been used to spam members to join and visit websites, which is against the rules of the site.

The main culprits have been caught and their account disabled, although it seems there have been others using the system to promote their websites.

Here's a passage from our website guidelines:

Competing Sites
The internet is a big place, and it's no surprise that from time to time a site will come along whose mission is to occupy the same niche as We have no issue with that. However, it would be against our best interests, and therefore the best interests of our members, for us to allow such sites to build upon our popularity by promoting themselves on Therefore, no competing site may attempt to gain traffic from in any way, including but not limited to links in posts, signatures, profile information, PM's, emails, or IM's.

I apologise for any inconvenience this causes, hopefull the PM system will be restored shortly :)

Since you I cant Pm listen to this check out Haku Gaming Section and see what your opinoion is and Ban OG SAPP thank you Ion and damn those spammers to hell :D
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Im not gonna mention any names, needless to say the situation is in hand and it'll be up and running again for all your sekret messaging :p
Im MetroidZ's Dr Pepper carrier but i steal his drinks so tell me the names aswell :p

But this sucks, one of them sent pm to me..Fortunatly i can't be bothered to be on their forum :D
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Triphor said:
i0n i think your streching the truth a bit! Your reputation is way to high to lie.



One of your 'buddies' was amoung a group who were consistantly PM'img new and regular members here with links to another website. In some cases offering posting priviledges as an incentive to join.

Like i've already explained to you in our previous conversation on this subject :rolleyes: , this is abuse of the private messaging system. Here's the snippet from our TOS:

No Abuse of PM
Private Messaging is provided to the members of as a service intended to enhance the Community experience. The purpose of private messaging is to allow for discreet conversations to take place between members. This privilege is not to be abused! Solicitation, spamming, or harassment of any kind is strictly forbidden. Any member receiving an inappropriate private message should forward that message to an Administrator or Moderator right away. Although private messages are normally only accessible by those who send and receive them, they are part of the database and as such, property of An Administrator, if so inclined, could locate the Private Messages in the database and read them. They are private, but not necessarily secret. In addition, Private Messages are not intended to deprive the Community of valuable information or experiences which could benefit the entire group. Please do not use private messages if the content of the message can be helpful to others.

Competing Sites
The internet is a big place, and it's no surprise that from time to time a site will come along whose mission is to occupy the same niche as We have no issue with that. However, it would be against our best interests, and therefore the best interests of our members, for us to allow such sites to build upon our popularity by promoting themselves on Therefore, no competing site may attempt to gain traffic from in any way, including but not limited to links in posts, signatures, profile information, PM's, emails, or IM's.

As you weren't to my knowledge a participating member in this incident i fail to see why you percist in stirring up drama where their simply isnt any.

Oh and i think we both know the 'he was told to do it' excuse doesnt hold much water really does it?

If your friend wants to contact me about this matter, he can email me (see sig), but i see no benefit in further discussing this matter with a third party.
Well iON I am back the lord has reutrned. Anyway I can get the HTML code on it is says it is off what do I do I want to put a video in my signature but I can't with that off :confused:
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