ps3 way to big

lol it pratically the size of a computers harddrive why get a ps3 when you can get a cheaper computer with more fuctions :lol:
jshaw said:
dont know how to put pictures on yet still new sorry
Copy the image url and then in your post click the
icon and paste it in there.

PS3 really isn't that big. The PS3 is a little bit bigger than the original Xbox.
Here's a comparison picture:

Last edited:
NateTheGreat said:
Copy the image url and then in your post click the
icon and paste it in there.

PS3 really isn't that big. The PS3 is a little bit bigger than the original Xbox.
Here's a comparison picture:


oh yah i took thoes pics awhile back, didnt knwo my collection got on the web!

joking =]
yah photoshopped, but its comapares a Wii to a ps2 slim...THE WII IS BIGGER?!

and the photoshopness is wayy given away cause the wii is on....
^ :lol: ^

The Wii Is A Midget COmpared To The PS3!

Wow... COuld They Make The Wii Any SMaller? :p
The PS3 is biggert than the...the....Xbox.... oh god....... there is no god.

(Yes I'm awer that it is only slightly larger but still the Xbox is pretty huge)
my xbox is big and the ps3 is bigger then it and prolly heavier also. that thing is a downgraded computer with an upgraded video card and game thing. but more expensive then the computer

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