Receiving Message Issues!


Master Smasher
Jan 2, 2010
Wii Online Code
Please Close, problem solved!

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It takes a while for the messages to be reached. Leave your wii on the start menu for about 5 minutes then see if you've recieved the messages.
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I know he said he sent them 2 days ago...
I mean it takes a while for them to be sent while your Wii is on. Have you tried what I said?
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Suraj; still don't get what you mean. But I'm guessing yes..

And for u Yes I can send messages with the Wii
Sorry, I mean usually when you're waiting for a message to be received you need to leave it on the start menu for a few minutes (where all the channels are). Meaning it doesn't matter that the message was sent weeks ago even, you still have to wait while the wii is on for some reason.
i meant i didnt know you could send messages

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