Red Steel 2 Teaser

I loved the first Red Steel (completed it too), I do think it was a flawed masterpiece.

If they can fix the little glitches from the first one, add some online multiplayer (and co-op would be nice too), and fine-tune the controls (which is pretty much guaranteed as it's using motionplus), I think we'll have another great game to look forward to.
I didn't whine about the controls in Red Steel anyways, so it was really, really enjoyable. I'm pleased if Red Steel 2 will play like the first one did, which is still above average FPS titles, if one accepts that whining won't change the game and making the best of it may result in fun. Which actually happened.

Concerning the Cell Shaded graphics, oh well, I found it cheesy at first, but hey, XIII was an amazing game ;)
I don't think we'll get blood this time, though.
I am officially interested. I love the Gunslinger style setting and hope it turns out well. We should no more at E3. I never played RS1, so I cannot speak of it's quality. For the trailer, lets be honest, that is all prerendered cutscene style and not actual gameplay. One curiosity, will they take a page from the old Lucasarts/Jedi Knight book and have it be 1st person Shooter/3rd person Swordweilding style.