Red Steel/CoD3 - Frame Rates?!


WiiChat Member
Dec 27, 2006
Hey, (First post)

Does anyone have problems with frame rates on any Wii games? I have noticed some real annoying lag on Red Steel and CoD3 especially in very demanding scenes.

I have a feeling this could be a problem with my TV. I have heard of issues with 360s and gamer lag, especially with a HDTV. Wii Sports and Zelda work fine but then again they aren't exactly that demanding.

If it helps i have a Sony HDTV RP 50" using a Bravia engine.

By the way, Red Steel is the most **** game i have ever played, i took it straight back after 10mins of gameplay and got me CoD3 :)
I brought Red Steel around 2 hours ago and although I'm comfortable with the controls, it just seems a bit...crap. It's like the same thing throughout. COD3 looks good but I think the graphics may piss me off. Might return Red Steel and keep the money till something better comes out.

Err...sorry about my rant, yeah Red Steel has bad framerates at times, but haven't noticed it in anything else (then again only other great looking game I got is Zelda, no frame issues there).

I got a Sony 40W2000 (40" HDTV with Bravia engine too), what type of problems do you mean with lag? I'd be inclined to think its NOT the tvs...but a struggling Wii (at least with games this generation)...
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Well i mean frame rates slow, and slow reactions on screen from movements made by the controller/wimote.

It's really getting on my nerves now.

I HATED Red Steel but hey i guess it's up to the player. You either love it or hate it.

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