Hey, (First post)
Does anyone have problems with frame rates on any Wii games? I have noticed some real annoying lag on Red Steel and CoD3 especially in very demanding scenes.
I have a feeling this could be a problem with my TV. I have heard of issues with 360s and gamer lag, especially with a HDTV. Wii Sports and Zelda work fine but then again they aren't exactly that demanding.
If it helps i have a Sony HDTV RP 50" using a Bravia engine.
By the way, Red Steel is the most **** game i have ever played, i took it straight back after 10mins of gameplay and got me CoD3
Does anyone have problems with frame rates on any Wii games? I have noticed some real annoying lag on Red Steel and CoD3 especially in very demanding scenes.
I have a feeling this could be a problem with my TV. I have heard of issues with 360s and gamer lag, especially with a HDTV. Wii Sports and Zelda work fine but then again they aren't exactly that demanding.
If it helps i have a Sony HDTV RP 50" using a Bravia engine.
By the way, Red Steel is the most **** game i have ever played, i took it straight back after 10mins of gameplay and got me CoD3