Red Steel - no online support


Apr 30, 2006
After the news last week that the Wii's 3rd party titles will not have online support, many fans have been crossing their fingers hoping Red Steel was an exception to the rule.

Red Steel is without doubt one of the flagship launch titles for Wii and many thought for that reason alone Nintendo may have worked closely with the developers to allow for online play.

“Online will maybe one day be announced by Nintendo but it won’t be for the launch [of Red Steel]. In terms of gameplay I can’t reveal anything really but what I can say is that internally we are making tons of tests.”
Ubisoft Senior Project Coordinator Stephanie Langlois

A multiplayer option has been discussed in the past, although now that looks like a bit of wishful thinking.

By the sounds of the quote, it looks like we could have online multiplayer sometime after launch. It's not like we're never going to get online multiplayer for third party titles. I mean, "tonnes of tests" kinda sound like they're exploring the option. Hopefully, they'll find a way soon after launch - which is good, cos then we can at least get to grips with the controls before going online...
Eh. Nintendo just isn't an online company, which is unfortuante because i'm sure there are millions of Nintendo fans that would love to play against each other over SSMB or Metroid. Oh well for now I guess.
Its called WiiConnect24 after nintendo releases the online dev kits to third parties they can have updates to allow this feature in there game and in newer versions of the game it will be included with purchase.
this is only FOR THIRD PARTY GAMES Everyone end these threads! so many people are being mislead! woah a ryhme, ok well im outta time, HOLY ****!! i could be a hit! Dang, well message me if you want to hang! Ahh this if freaky and **** i gotta go take a leaky (dont stop me now, im on fire and dont know how) i just got a new speaker and ima go test it out with my beakers, keep it on the low but i have my own show! i just cant stop, im into hip-hop JASGHNJGHDSJG D
He didn't mean to, he hit send post twice, it's no problem:D

Nice rhyming btw:lol: And I agree, everyone is going insane about all these games having no online support, when the fact is that most 3rd-party games will have it, it's just not going to happen the second it's released.
sKin said:
Eh. Nintendo just isn't an online company, which is unfortuante because i'm sure there are millions of Nintendo fans that would love to play against each other over SSMB or Metroid. Oh well for now I guess.
Yes it is too bad that it wasn't available for the cube, good thing that will change for Corruption and SSBB.:D
i never really thought of it having online stuff but also sovieto just delete one of your post lol anyway yeah im not a online gamers
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Sovieto said:
this is only FOR THIRD PARTY GAMES Everyone end these threads! so many people are being mislead! woah a ryhme, ok well im outta time, HOLY ****!! i could be a hit! Dang, well message me if you want to hang! Ahh this if freaky and **** i gotta go take a leaky (dont stop me now, im on fire and dont know how) i just got a new speaker and ima go test it out with my beakers, keep it on the low but i have my own show! i just cant stop, im into hip-hop JASGHNJGHDSJG D

but Red Steel is a 3rd party game :confused:
sKin said:
Eh. Nintendo just isn't an online company, which is unfortuante because i'm sure there are millions of Nintendo fans that would love to play against each other over SSMB or Metroid. Oh well for now I guess.

yah i0n but posts like these ^

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