Religion In Gaming

White-Wolf said:
I am making good on my promise. Its called Eternal Forces, and its coming out this Christmas. It takes place in New York. Here is just one article. But I bet you can find alot more if you want to. Just so you know I don’t condone this game. I think its sick like the above poster. But I think it shows just how desperate some Christians are to reach out to our youth. How much you want to be this will be rated Teen instead of Mature?

This is a neutral article, but the one I read awhile ago had some other details that really made me sick to my stomach

Ah yes, I've heard of that. It's apparently based on the Left Behind series (a series of evangelical novels about the Rapture, in case you don't know), and it makes me feel uneasy. To me it looks like they're trying to tempt kids into getting a GTA-type game, then using it to scare them into becoming Christian. I noticed the "Antichrist's army" in the game is a UN-like organisation, which says a lot about the maker's views...

Sovieto said:
Resident Evil 4 Religion...pretty much ruined the game for most hardcore RE players.

I didn't mind it at all.
I_Dont_Know859 said:
hmm this game is based on the events when the anti christ takes over when is armageddon. weird idea for a game basing it on the events of the apocalyspe but yeah christians vs. the antichrist is pretty much what it comes down to when that time comes according to our beliefs. if u dont like it dont play it. its not like you do horrible acts on gta anyway. i'll have to keep an eye on this if its for real. this game is no reason to be dissing the christian religion. its pretty much a demon and followers vs. christians. its based on events on the end of the world and if you dont believe in it anyway why do you even care. just dont play it.

I agree with you i think a game can have religion and if you dont like it dont play it. AS long as the game does not offend anyone (apart from satanists thats a given)
White-Wolf said:
I sure hope you don’t support this game, Is it right to kill those who don’t agree with you? thats what this is game is about. yeah, lets beat up some fags.... ug. :scared:

Gta was game that was castrated by family values, are you saying if you cant beat them join them? what about the high ground? I would think you wouldn’t want a game that shows Christians as very thing collage teachers and philosophers criticize them for being.

no if its based on the bible its not christians killing anyone but its the antichrist and his followers who hunt down and kill the chrisitians. I say if you want to understand what this came will be like read revelations in the bible. White wolf, you have a real bad habit about jumping to conclusions and always asuming the worst from us christians:nono:. Anyway prove to me something that says christians are going around killing people in this game. Even if the game says so, there killing the followers of a demon, not just random people. Overall before we critize each other i say what and see how the game turns out because you can't get an accurate description until you actually see it. Oh about the UN organization that inaccurate because the when the antichrist takes over, he turns the world into one big organization so how is that like the UN? Its the entire world. I'm not against it or for it until i see it first hand. You cant trust articles these days about everything. Get your facts straight. Even you should know if christians are going around killing innocent people is in no way chrisitanity.
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that’s just it, in this game, it assumes anyone not Christian is a follower of the antichrist (gb anyone?), that’s the problem I have with it. Its the mentality of if your not with us your against us, so im going to shoot you in cold blood because your ideas are different from mine. I have read revelations, though and the conclusion I drew, was that many people from organized religion are going to be in for a rude awakening, as they are members of the "clans" (i think that was the word it used, but with so many versions... who knows). It stats that only a few members of these clans ascend, and an unspecified amount from no clan ascend. This could mean that many many people not of Christianities denominations are safe. If I were of a denomination, I would be pretty afraid. You’re more likely to get a wii a few hours after stores open.... hehehe

I admit, when people assume I am going to hell even though they know nothing about me... yeah tend to be a bit biased. :sick: If you wish to discuss this topic I think we should move this part at least, to back over to the Christian discussion, so we don’t muck up this thread. Or you can pm me inside the message board.
well i guess it would be best for both of us to just wait until the finally product to see what this game is really about. I think thats fair, agreed?

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