Resident Evil 4 - Wii edition confirmed

thanks jippjipp! I can deal with the $30 pricetag. It well be a definate buy on my part. Like i said, i just picked up the GC version a few days ago, so it's going to take a lot of willpower to put it down and wait for da Wii. But, i guess there is no harm in doing it all over again with the Wii. Maybe I can find a poor Wiiless soul to sell my GC verson to. HA HA HA! :lol:
man i cant wait for this game i was gonna buy the one for the gamecube but found out it was coming to the wii so now im gonna buy every resident evil up to that one and beat them in order even though 4 doesnt really have the same story as the others it still rocks.

i cant wait.
tremendolwiio said:
My wife loves shooting zombies!

Does this game have a multi-player mode?


It's a port of the gamecube/PS2 version Temendol, that version didn't have one so I'm 99% sure the wii version won't. Don't get your hopes up.