Return to Wii menu from gamecube game


WiiChat Member
May 28, 2007
Don't know if anyone has noticed this before, but looking around various forums for methods used to return from a gamecube game to the wii menu, I have found one that actually returns you to the wii menu from the gamecube game. I have found several methods used, which have been to hit eject then press reset; hit eject, power down, power back up; turn the console off, turn it back on, eject the disc. There seems to be no right or wrong to these methods, but one method I discovered for myself. What I did was after playing a gamecube game I pressed the reset button then I pressed the eject button. The game did not eject, but instead, I was returned to the warning screen seen when you start up the wii console, the screen where you press "A" to get to the wii menu. Has anyone heard pros or cons to any of the above mentioned methods? Anyone know which is better or which is potentially hazardous?
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I like the method you've found, I myself use the eject -> reset if im planning to keep on playing (sounds like the least harmful method to the console if at all).

Otherwise I just turn it off if im done.
For me what i do is.. when i finish playing a gamecube game on the wii, i eject the game and reset the console and it will bring you back to the wii menu as well... either that, just turn it off.
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I guess it doesn't matter which way it's done, as it seems many different people do it several different ways. I am surprised more people have not known that when the reset button is pressed and then the eject button is immediately pressed, you are returned to the start-up warning screen.

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