Gamecube disc stuck in my Wii!


WiiChat Member
Sep 20, 2007

I got a Nintendo Wii for my little niece last week. Everything went perfectly fine.
Today she wanted to play "Sonic Mega Collection" (Gamecube game) on the Wii. She inserted the disc, and was able to play perfectly fine. When she was done playing, she pressed the "EJECT" button to remove the disc and to put it back in its game case. However, the disc wouldn't come off. Pressing the "EJECT" button just makes a small noise, and the game loads back again. (Meaning that when in-game, pressing the EJECT button makes the screen go "Please insert Disc", however the disc won't come off and the game loads back again).

I don't understand how the disc could possibly just be stuck there like that.
Now could anybody give me any tips for removing the disc? Thanks in advance.
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Just pressed it once. (I did spam eject multiple times, but that was only when i was desperate to remove the CD)

my double dash got caught. I had to send it back to nintendo. they said it happens a lot. they fixed it and sent it back

but then the next week...MP3 kept freezing so they had me send them MP3 AND THE WII AGAIN

damn....ive been with no wii for a month
arven said:

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Anyways, it seems that you might have to send it back to Nintendo.
maybe try unplugging the power supply from the back of your wii and from the power outlet, and if your useing a surge protecter unplug that too and leave it set for maybe 10 minutes then plug everything back up and see if it works....don't know for sure if it'll work but you can give it a try. good luck
I think you have to press the reset button first to switch the console from GC to Wii mode, then press the eject button. If that doesn't work, then I suggest that you call Nintendo.
Has your niece ever played GameCube games on the Wii before? If not, then the Wii could be faulty, and you may have to send it back to Nintendo. Even if you can get it out you might want to ask Nintendo about it, so you don't encounter the same problem again.

-press ur power button on wii when the red light is on
-wait 4 ur wii 2 turn on
-press power again turning it off
-press eject

if that doesn't work then i dont know what does. it's cuz it happened 2 me once and that's what i did.
happened to me if you have a knife u can push it into the cd jack and it should just come out, be careful not to scratch the cd with the knife just push the knife to the back and it will manually eject.
sounds pretty risky arven i wouldn't try that if i was you PurpleHaze cause you could risk hitting your laser disk reader or screw up something and if you do it id suggest unplugging your wii first lol

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