Gamecube disc stuck in my Wii!

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Thank you everyone for the help!

I guess the best way is to call Nintendo.

However.. i did thought of poking inside though... hehe.
PurpleHaze said:
Thank you everyone for the help!

I guess the best way is to call Nintendo.

However.. i did thought of poking inside though... hehe.

Yeah, that's probably the best solution.
manufan15 said:
Please contribute towards the forum by not just saying "Lol!" write something beneficial and don't just up your post count.

He did. He said "Lol!".
ZachS said:
I'm just thinking out loud, but what is it doing in there? o.o
thats what i am wondering..maybe since its smaller than a standart dvd it maybe fell down lower or something and cant catch onto the track that ejects the disc? i have no idea, maybe it went back where it came from...
what happens if you hold the eject button? Just thinking I have a dvd player, that if I hold the eject button down, it keeps the eject mechanism working constantly.
Maybe the wii is the same? It might "catch" the disc and then send it out..
Just an untested idea :)
Other than that, give Nintendo a ring.

Another thought.. What position is the wii in? (vertical/horizontal) maybe try putting it in the position it isnt in.. it might locate the disc into the right area.

I think if it was me (feel free to not do this) I would unplug it console, give it a light shake to see if i can tell if the disc is loose inside, if it is, again, I might be able to "re-locate" it to the right position by shaking it lightly and twisting it to slide the disc around...

Good luck :)
I got my wii back today.

they replaced the wii console with a BRAND NEW console. So good job nintendo. they do good work.
MaxaMillion711 said:
I got my wii back today.

they replaced the wii console with a BRAND NEW console. So good job nintendo. they do good work.

Did the guys from Nintendo transfer your saved files to the new wii? (just curious :) )
i have a question is it really that often that wii's brake down all the time? because im trying to get a wii and im not sure anymore.
I have a Wii, a couple of people I know have a Wii and none of us had any problems. Besides, there is a garantee. If your Wii doesn't work anymore, it wouldn't cost you anything.

why do people make up bull like that then. its not like the wii has a high failure rate like *cough*xbox360*cough*.
i have a question is it really that often that wii's brake down all the time? because im trying to get a wii and im not sure anymore.

Nintendo products mostly have a very low failure rate. I think you can get one without the worry of it messing up. Because it has been out for almost one year, they have worked out most of the kinks in production. Beside, Nintendo have pretty high quality costomer service.

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