Ridley in Brawl.

ssbb_lover said:
No offense, but that really does sound ridiculous. I promise you the majority of players would play a dragon rather then Kirby...a dragon. Who wouldn't want to play as a dragon? A really awesome pterodactyl-dragon on top of that. Like I said before, this isn't really a debate of "Does he have the ability to be a PC?", but rather "Do you want it to happen?" It's obvious that Ridley can be shrunk down (i.e. Melee intro), it's obvious he has potential, it's all up to Sakurai. I like the way Miyamoto said:

Sakurai could see the game's finest details a year ago, if not longer than that. He would have known back in the character development stage if Ridley was going to work, so in the end...it's one man's decision. Personally, I think he'll make it happen. If not this game, the next.

wasn't that iwata in the iwata asks interview?
Think about it though...
Sakurai put Ridley in the SSBM video( a sized down one, no less). Sakurai made Ridley's boss fight music a track in SSBB. Norfair, Ridley's ancestral lair, was made a stage with a reference to Ridley in the update! Don't you all think this is pointing to something?
Now, those points alone do not win the argument, but if you look at them in combination with the other evidence thats been shown in this thread, the results are overwhelming.
CONCLUSION: Ridley has a very good chance of appearing as a PC in SSBB.
GigaRidley said:
Think about it though...
Sakurai put Ridley in the SSBM video( a sized down one, no less). Sakurai made Ridley's boss fight music a track in SSBB. Norfair, Ridley's ancestral lair, was made a stage with a reference to Ridley in the update! Don't you all think this is pointing to something?
Now, those points alone do not win the argument, but if you look at them in combination with the other evidence thats been shown in this thread, the results are overwhelming.
CONCLUSION: Ridley has a very good chance of appearing as a PC in SSBB.

can you prove that sakurai himself said "okay guys when you make the video of samus and ridley, make him outrageously small"

i think he has a good chance too, i just don't think he should be in the game
The reason the video is so suspicious (or possibly revealing) is because it's the only time he's ever appeared that small, and what are the chances of that one time being in a game which would require of him that form to be playable?

I'm glad all pro-Ridley people and Ridley haters have both settled on one thing: he has a good chance.
ssbb_lover said:
I'm glad all pro-Ridley people and Ridley haters have both settled on one thing: he has a good chance.
Definitely agree with you there. Ridley certainly has a good chance of making it into the roster. He has a better chance than some characters who I personally feel should on the playable roster.
ssbb_lover said:
The reason the video is so suspicious (or possibly revealing) is because it's the only time he's ever appeared that small, and what are the chances of that one time being in a game which would require of him that form to be playable?

I'm glad all pro-Ridley people and Ridley haters have both settled on one thing: he has a good chance.
Yes, ssbb_lover is right. He's even smaller in that than he was in super metroid, on which that clip was based. Why would they do that? Anti-Ridley people say it's a mistake. I do not. I think it's a sign.
I don't see how someone can think Ridley shouldn't be in Smash. He's proved he's worth well and truly.
LemonManX said:
I don't see how someone can think Ridley shouldn't be in Smash. He's proved he's worth well and truly.

well I don't see how someone can think Ridley should be in Smash.


I just always viewed him as an obstacle to overcome, dedede bowser and ganondorf have so much depth to them, with the first two even fighting on kirby's and mario's side respectively
Ridley has a heartless, dark nature to him...but, that's Metroid for you. In a way, you could say that Ridley does have depth to him due to his mysterious nature. Where does he rank in the space pirate's army? Why did he attack Samus's homeland? So on and so forth.
ssbb_lover said:
Ridley has a heartless, dark nature to him...but, that's Metroid for you. In a way, you could say that Ridley does have depth to him due to his mysterious nature. Where does he rank in the space pirate's army? Why did he attack Samus's homeland? So on and so forth.

not really, if anything mysterious nature=no depth

maybe cuase he was ordered to....does it matter? he's jsut a dragon that you have to fight

oh and to add another counter-arguement about the melee intro, i just watched it again, he's still a head bigger than she is, and samus is one of the tallest characters
mushroomedmario said:
not really, if anything mysterious nature=no depth

maybe cuase he was ordered to....does it matter? he's jsut a dragon that you have to fight

oh and to add another counter-arguement about the melee intro, i just watched it again, he's still a head bigger than she is, and samus is one of the tallest characters

Like I said, a little resizing would be neccesary, but not so much that he ends up looking like some kind of dragon-midget.
mushroomedmario said:
not really, if anything mysterious nature=no depth
Sure, your opinion. :) Sometimes I can find more depth in a character that hasn't been fully explained, because I can create my own story/background for said character.
oh and to add another counter-arguement about the melee intro, i just watched it again, he's still a head bigger than she is, and samus is one of the tallest characters
A little shrinking would be needed, and he wouldn't be fully extended anyway.