rpgs youd like to see on the virtual console

Nar the first isnt that good but it is needed for the story(1,2,3 are on a GBA compalation)

*Hides the Master system version*
I got lost with no clue ware to go
I just got my Wii online and was checking out the RPG section. I played shining force 1 and 2 as well as shining in the darkness and sword of vermilion. I've also played all the phantasy stars.

I've enjoyed all these games but never got to check out any RPGs on the Nintendo systems. Any recommendations?

FF3, FF4, Seiken Densetsu 3, Secret of evermore and mana, Chrono Trigger,
Illusion of time, Terranigma, Mario rpg
Joey_Redd said:
Chrono Trigger the only RPG i ever cared for....And perhaps pokemon blue with online just for fun...

I'm with you on Chrono....only RPG I ever cared for as well. I have huge buyers remorse with SPM on GC and Wii. So boring, repetitive, and immature. The FF series is "ok" at best. The only RPG I will ever play (replay) again in my lifetime will be Chrono Trigger on Wii's VC (if it ever comes out.) I'm considering buying an old SNES just to buy that game, along with Super Mario Kart. Although SMK will probably be on the VC around Wii's Mario Kart's release.
hrm.. so many to decide from but i really would adore being able to have the three following

Illusions of Gaia (( some had it called Illusions of Time))
Super Mario Rpg
Yoshi Island


however i could go for some Duck Tales too ^_^
i'd like to see bethesda make an elderscrolls spinoff of some sort, kinda like morrowind,cuz that game was great. but hopefully it wouldn't be a memory hog, as those seem to be.

EDIT:srry, didnt see the part about VC :(
Even though it probably wouldn't happen, the Final Fantasy games from the original Playstation. It'd save me the hassle of actually buying new copies of 7 and 8 which are quite hard to find.