Should I get this game?


WiiChat Member
Jul 27, 2009
I just got the wii and I am looking for some good games, I find this game looks sweet but my only worry is that it uses the nunchuck and wiimote, doesnt let you use gamecube controller. And usually with the nunchuck is boring, and you can't swing the wiimote which makes games fun! It's also and old game, and what happens if not a lot of people play online.... Should I get this game for the 50 dollars... or get zelda, and wii sports resort first!:sick: Thanks!
ive not long got this good game but need pratice before online play i found it bit harder to play using mote and nunchuck but bit of pratice im getting used to it i played online and got wooped lol but hey all in learning to play the game process all in all good fun 8 out of 10 from me
if you want to know some other good games then i suggest nfs undercover, res evil 4, wii fit, mario kart, manhunt 2, madworld these are my top few games out of the 70 wii/gc games ive got
I accept with information:you can't swing the wiimote which makes games fun! It's also and old game, and what happens if not a lot of people play online.
if you want a soccer game why not get fifa, i whould have to say another game i'm not a fan of mario strikers an online game call of duties are fun or mario kart or ssbb
dude this ganme is beast of course you should get it

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