Should we trust bbc


Jul 29, 2006
Wii Online Code
well i was looing in anohter post and the article posted contain some information about the wii but i was suprised to have found this little sentence "Nintendo's Wii console is also scheduled for a worldwide release this autumn, although no firm date has been set." so this just add to the thoery that wii will release globally tell me what you think or tell me im an idot this has been said beofre go away we dont want to hear you talk either one is fine tata
Launch will most likely be worldwide, if not I'll just order it from any other place I can get it.
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yes but miyamoto has said "I don't think we need to do a global launch because everyone else is doing it" so that could be interpretted two ways one as in were not doing it at all or two as we are doing it but not because everyone else is
I wouldn't be surprised if there is one. They started mass production of the wii AGES ago, and i havnt heard of any problems. So, i wouldn't be surprised if all the launch consoles for Japan, america AND europe are being boxed or having the finished checks and a lick of paint.... If not, then they can't be far behind....So even if it's not quite a 'world' launch, i think there will be a maximum of a month between Japan and Europe launches.

P.S Anyone from nintendo can say what they like. People change their minds, people lie so that they can shock you all later. Who knows?
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yes but it is the miyamot he is rocky of the gaming world well not really i just couldnt think of a simile i hope it isnt that much differences
Nintendo have already been announced that they intend to launch it in Europe within a few weeks of America, so unless they "pull a Sony" on us we should all be playing our wonderful new consoles by the end of the year.
Sam_Harris said:
yes but it is the miyamot he is rocky of the gaming world well not really i just couldnt think of a simile i hope it isnt that much differences

Man you must be wasted, I could'nt understand anything of what you just posted.
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well i thought it made sense maybe u dont know wat a similie is hmm
Worldwide releases aren't exactly worldwide some will get it later than someone so it pointless to try when you can just release them at roughly the same time so everyones happy and no one makes a smart ass coment "Hey what about the worldwide release?"

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