Snakes On A Mother Fuckin' Plane:

Napalmbrain said:
I'm sorry, but I don't buy into this whole "9/11 conspiracy" crap. The attacks cost the US economy billions of dollars in damages, compensation and repair costs. Not a wise business investment. And the conspirators would likely end being killed if they were ever found out- would they be willing to risk it?
Not for Larry Silverstein, whom tried to claim on the "two seperate claims" but was shot down by the insurance companies saying it was a single act of terrorism. The raw steel from the twin towers were also sold illegally to China way before an investigation could be done.
Likewise, it provided a step to going to war with Afghanistan and then (and more importantly) Iraq. It's funny how people present a single counter-case with a single arguement based on "Well surely it wouldn't have been good for them" or "If they were right, they'd have been killed by now". Fact of the matter is, is that if the government keeps ignoring the conspiracy theorists, it'll give a better message than if they mysteriously killed one of these conspiracy theorists. The conspirators would not be killed if nobody did find out about it - look at the reception that those that stand up and say "This isn't right" get. They get told to shut up, being told "you're unAmerican" and sometimes even get just plan insulted. Why would this "Theory" produce such an adverse reaction? I understand laughing off screen at them, but when they're told to shut up on national television, and even people refering to them in clearly unprofessional ways, you kinda have to wonder.

I find it kinda silly that not only will the right wing people not listen to the left winged ones, but actually use "left Wing nut" as a new way of saying "loony", as though the left wing people have no credibility. Heck, I've dealt with Americans that think that way.
Squall7 said:
Not for Larry Silverstein, whom tried to claim on the "two seperate claims" but was shot down by the insurance companies saying it was a single act of terrorism. The raw steel from the twin towers were also sold illegally to China way before an investigation could be done.
Likewise, it provided a step to going to war with Afghanistan and then (and more importantly) Iraq. It's funny how people present a single counter-case with a single arguement based on "Well surely it wouldn't have been good for them" or "If they were right, they'd have been killed by now". Fact of the matter is, is that if the government keeps ignoring the conspiracy theorists, it'll give a better message than if they mysteriously killed one of these conspiracy theorists. The conspirators would not be killed if nobody did find out about it - look at the reception that those that stand up and say "This isn't right" get. They get told to shut up, being told "you're unAmerican" and sometimes even get just plan insulted. Why would this "Theory" produce such an adverse reaction? I understand laughing off screen at them, but when they're told to shut up on national television, and even people refering to them in clearly unprofessional ways, you kinda have to wonder.

I find it kinda silly that not only will the right wing people not listen to the left winged ones, but actually use "left Wing nut" as a new way of saying "loony", as though the left wing people have no credibility. Heck, I've dealt with Americans that think that way.

I'm open to different ideas, but at the same time I have to keep a check on reality. The conspircy theories I've heard so far are all based on rather flimsy and circumstancial evidence and lack any real concrete proof. There's nothing solid- no leaked documents, no recorded conversations, not even some government employee trying to reveal the "truth". If conspiracy theorists can present more concrete eveidence like this, I'll be willing to consider it.

I should point also out that aside from the fact that conspiracy theories come about after every major disaster, almost every conspiracy theory so far comes from people who have something against the war in Iraq/the Bush administration/Israel/the decadent West, and so could be seen as not being fair and impartial. If this accusation were true, don't you think more experts from all parts of the political spectrum would have realised it by now?

Oh, and to clarify my own position before someone accuses me of being a right wing nut, I'm a liberal (and not a socialist), I was for the Iraq War (on the simple grounds that it toppled Saddam Hussein), and I hate Bush and Blair.
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