Sony's white PSP ads


Jul 6, 2006
Has anyone else seen this? I'm utterly amazed Sony would think there's nothing wrong w/these ads.
Sony's white PSP ad draws more fire
California Assemblyman Leland Yee says publisher "stoops to new low" with billboard; NAACP representative calls for ad to be pulled.
By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot
Posted Jul 7, 2006 10:08 am PT

A Sony PSP ad promoting the new Ceramic White model of the system in the Netherlands is causing an international stir. Gaming Web sites and message boards have lit up with debate over the ad this week after a picture went up on, and now California Assemblyman Leland Yee and the San Jose/Silicon Valley chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) have made their feelings on the issue known.

In a statement titled "Sony stoops to new low with racially charged ad," Yee said he was "deeply disappointed" in the publisher's decision to run the ad, which features a white woman holding a black woman by the jaw in a threatening manner. Sony has said the ad, one in a series that features the white woman promoting the system in a variety of ways, was designed to show the contrast between the colors of the new and old PSPs, and has "no other message or purpose."

"Whether in the US or abroad, using differences in skin color to articulate the fact that your video game console now comes in white can be interpreted as insensitive at best and racist at worst," Yee said.

Rick Callender, president of the San Jose/Silicon Valley chapter of the NAACP, echoed Yee's displeasure.

"The days of blacks being portrayed in minstrel shows are long gone, and with good reason," Callender said. "The minstrel show was an awful chapter in history and this ad smacks of that age and time. It is even further unacceptable that some corporations still think it is ok to use racially charged media images. The latest Sony ad conjures up bad memories of when stereotypical and offensive images of people of color were accepted means of selling a product. Sony should immediately apologize and discontinue these archaic advertising tactics."

This is not the first time Yee has taken exception to actions in the gaming industry. He authored California's violent game restriction law (currently being challenged in the courts), and was among the first to call for a rerating of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as a result of the Hot Coffee scandal.
wow, that is just plain poor decision making.
Alright, I don't think Sony is racist, but they *should* be smart enough to know this is a poor advertising choice. How could they think it was going to be ok with the public? But it seems Sony is making a lot of questionable decisions lately. (such as making a system so expensive that it will alienate gamers)
oh well...they can just hang themselves I guess.
Very racist Sony. DS out sells the PSP any way. So who cares about another color.
yeah and Nintendo offers lots of colors and advertises in a non-controversial, non-racist way. Nintendo has their head on straight...I think all the Sony execs bought lots of drugs with their PS2 money and now their brains are fried and they're coming out with cracked out ideas. :lol:
Only a few days ago there was someone claiming LocoRoco is racist, now this! :confused:

I don't Sony are intending to be racist, but they should really do their market research first.

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