tekken 6 petition

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Please sign, we are trying everything , please keep this on...
well, bumping, begging and double posting are REAL good ways to keep this thread open [/sarcasm]:frown2:
Anther Tekken Wii thread?

How about a decent fighting game instead?
Please sign my petition to end all futile user-created, forum-based petitions!

Ill say its never gonna happen noob
I think this really happens Darkprinny!!

And even more, we will get Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur IV. Due to low sales of the console, Mr. Iwata saw "Cause isn't there high quality games on the Wii", is time to Namco-Bandai launch this great franchises on the Wii as they did porting to the PSP and now they plans to port to the Iphone...

Come-on, together will push Namco-Bandai to do it!!
I think this really happens Darkprinny!!

And even more, we will get Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur IV. Due to low sales of the console, Mr. Iwata saw "Cause isn't there high quality games on the Wii", is time to Namco-Bandai launch this great franchises on the Wii as they did porting to the PSP and now they plans to port to the Iphone...

Come-on, together will push Namco-Bandai to do it!!

The Wii is blowing away the 360/PS3 in sales, why would they ever try to stray away from their plan?

As stated by Nintendo, the Wii is looking toward another market. They're not making the same mistake as they did when they launched the Gamecube.

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