Ten things Nintendo needs to do

About #6.

That's probably the key thing that would get haters off of Nintendos back. I'm sure they'd shut up if an exclusive Metal Gear or DOOM came to the Wii. And I know I'd love for that to happen.

Nothing will get the Nintendo haters off there backs. Im so suprised at all the Wii owners hating on Nintendos E3. I mean 2 new Marios and Metroid to boot and people seem to think it was the same as 08's E3, witch was bad.

Know why?

Because most of the Wii haters are just 360/PS3 fanboys playing at being Wii fans. Instead of bitching and moaning on this site and others they should sell there Wii's and just play there 360/PS3 games and be done with it.:mad2:

Now thank you so much raisinghelen for the simple version of what this guy wrote.

#2 Wii speak. I want a headset.
#4 I think the online is the Wii's number 1 weakness and Nintendo should take that into consideration.
#6 I like the games the wii is making. I buy my other games on the PC, Fo3 and L4D atm. If you dont wanna deal with, or dont have the $, just buy a 360. AT no time in the history of gaming has one console had every single great title on it at once.
#7 i agree the FC's were pretty stupid. Raisinghelen is right though, just ganna have to deal with them till Wii2.
that is correct that Microsoft came out with a $199 Xbox 360, but it doesnt really count because it has 256mb of hd on it! my flash drive has 8x more memory than it! the thing is a piece of ****, yes it is a 360 and obviously capable of playing 360 games, that is if you plan on beating every game in 1 day and not saving a single thing, but the Wii sells better, because of pretty much the 3 things listed above, but it also sells better, because the name "Nintendo" has been a household name since our parents were kids, so it is a dynasty of great products (such as the Wii).
You do know the wii only has 512mb of built in memory right? That's only twice more storage then what the 360 has and I haven't even used half of my wii's memory so obviously you could put a decent amount of save data on the $200.00 360. Also because the companies name is Nintendo isn't why it's selling so good. Both the Nintendo 64 and the GameCube sold less then it's competition. The reason the Wii is selling good is because Nintendo decided to try and do something different with their system and it appealed to a lot of people. They created a console that would attract people other then their small fan base from the GameCube era. That's why Nintendo has the highest selling game console and hand held so far in this generation.
Believe it or not there are wii haters who be posting on this site who also owns a wii not saying i dont like the wii
Nothing will get the Nintendo haters off there backs. Im so suprised at all the Wii owners hating on Nintendos E3. I mean 2 new Marios and Metroid to boot and people seem to think it was the same as 08's E3, witch was bad.

Know why?

Because most of the Wii haters are just 360/PS3 fanboys playing at being Wii fans. Instead of bitching and moaning on this site and others they should sell there Wii's and just play there 360/PS3 games and be done with it.:mad2:

I've been thinking the same exact thing. People are running around here acting like Nintendos press conference was just...nothing. When in actuality it was something, they don't understand that there are a lot of people Nintendo has to please at that conference, but they all fall into either one of three categories. Stock holder, Press Journalist, or gamer. Now the whole Wii Fit and Wii Sports Resort stuff was for the Stock Holders, I'm sure their wallets were tingling at the site of it. But the end of the show was for us, the gamers. Also if your a DS owner they had some good stuff with Golden Sun DS and that game Cop: The Recruit looked really impressive.

But the main thing is that most of these people who talk trash about the Wii on this site don't even own Wiis anymore. Most of them sold them in order to buy a PS3 or Wii, yet they continue to talk trash about it. I like the members who sold their Wii and then quietly retired into the forum which discusses their console. However a few members sold their Wii and then made it their lifes work to trash the Wii on this site.
Stickmode, you don't make any sense. Why do you want Nintendo to be Microsoft/Sony?

If they do that they would be out of business. The reason they are successful is precisely because they did not try to go head-to-head with those guys. They have a differentiated product. Hell now Sony & MS are trying to be like Nintendo.

Just buy a 360/PS3/PC and you can play all the "hardcore" games you want.

But your not gonna get games like Shiren3, Muramasa, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart etc.

This is pretty much right on. While i would like nintendo to have more 'hardcore' games, most gamers could care less. Nintendo did the best job with this gens console. They killed the 360/ps3 in sales and popularity. I am 30 years old and in my age group, its trendy to own an iphone, mac, and.....a nintendo wii. most people could care less about the other systems and games they have. Most people also think hardcore gamers are people who live in a fantasy world and watch japanese anime 24/7...its not cool to be labeled as a hardcore gamer in most circles. nintendo saw this and capatalized on it and thu should not try to be the 360/ps3. there is a much much bigger market than those consoles serve and nintendo is hitting it. hardcore gamers hate on nintendo because of it. they are mad that hot chicks and normal athletic guys all of a sudden play games lol. now can nintendo improve...yes, a lot and so can sony and MS. This is why sony and MS are trying to all of sudden copy nintendo. And this is why nintendo has wii speak, DSi, etc.

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