That was extremely weird. Wii error.


WiiChat Member
Dec 25, 2006
I was just playing Guitar Hero and I got a "An error has occured. Please eject the disc and turn the power off" message on my Wii as the screen went black. Is this common, or is my Wii probably doomed?
ChristmasWii said:
I was just playing Guitar Hero and I got a "An error has occured. Please eject the disc and turn the power off" message on my Wii as the screen went black. Is this common, or is my Wii probably doomed?
I've heard about this.

Call Ninty
i wasnt playing gh but this happened to me. i just turned it off, unplugged it, and about 15 minutes later plugged it back in. it worked fine.
Worth a try?
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I restarted it ASAP, and it worked alright. Maybe just a fluke. We shall see.
happened to me, i just took the disc out, restarted, and it worked fine. dont worry about it unless it starts to become frequent
Yeah, if it happens everytime you play a game then you should call Nintendo about it, if not then all is good.
yes, like travzeman said, unless it becomes frequent dont sweat it. there could be a logical explanation such as playing for a long time and it overheated possibly, but dont worry. if it was overheating, at most gaming stores you can buy a wii home which is like a wii stand that cools it to prevent overheating, and it also comes with similiar things to store wiimotes.
it happens. its just like when your computer locks up, some function gets stuck in a loop and it gets confused. doesn't necessarily mean its broken...
mine did that about 3 days after I owned mine. Hasn't done it since, that was at Christmas time.
Happened to me Too. About Twenty Seconds after i started Tenkaichi 2. Restarted and now it's fine.
I'm a doctor who specialises in alternative medicine, just follow these instructions and everything will be just fine:
1) Disconnect all wires and accessories, then lay the wii on it's belly
2) Find and Infidel console reccomended XBOX -360
3) Spill the the brains/circuitry around the wii, creating a circle
4) Chant "Wii Rule" for about 10 mins a day, you'll notice a difference immediatly

I cannot be held responsible for anything, LOL

But seriously Hylian's right, when he says you need a patch, mine did an error thing when i was updating, then i reset it then downloaded the update, and it hasn't happened since.
it didn't happen to me and i had that game when it came out

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