Wii Error code


WiiChat Member
Dec 29, 2007
Okay, So we've had a Wii for about 5 months. The thing has worked great!
For Christmas we got Guitar Hero III.
I was playing tonight and kept getting this error code
"An error has occurred. Please eject the disc, Turn off the power Refer to the operations manual for more information."

I've never seen this error before. Not sure if it's the guitar hero or if the Wii is freaking out on us.

any ideas?
actually i wouldnt mind some help on this issue. i got the same error code today when my sister put the disk in the wrong way. i returned the disk to the proper direction and got that same error message. we just turned the wii of and tried again and it worked fine, im just worried the same thing might come up again.
step 1: unplug wii console step 2: lift wii over head and smash on ground in front of you step 3: stomp on top of it twice
step 4:
get over it :]
Well i used to have a game qube and the same error acured,if it is the same error it will start to get more frequint but may be more replacable with the wii's counterparts,if it is the same error i had for the game qube wich exactly read like that then it is the lazer that reads the disc or the spinner for the disc that is having trouble,i had 2 gamquebes in the past and yes it is very anoying for it to pop up every miniute.I would wait and see if it ocors more often also did the eror say"an error has acourd could not read disc please go to the manual for more information?''
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steven1234 said:
: ]

Hey you idot we have a strict rule here about double posting.

You probably quadruple posted.

Learn our rules, dumbsh1t and quit being mean for no reason.

You'll get banned reallll fast.
Same problem

I had the same problem when I was leaving my Wii on all the time. I have started to turn it off when I am not using it. I have not had that problem now. Try that and see if it helps I did not want to send my Wii back for repair.
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Thanks Miff! We'll try that. I shut it down last night. This morning my daughter was playing GHIII and it hasn't given her the error. So maybe that's it.

On a side note....Steven you're really irritating me.
I can see you have nothing better to do than to get on online communities and be annoying.

Sadly, our future lies in the hands of his generation.
Miff said:
I had the same problem when I was leaving my Wii on all the time. I have started to turn it off when I am not using it. I have not had that problem now. Try that and see if it helps I did not want to send my Wii back for repair.

By "leaving my Wii on" do you mean like the menu screen and everything just left running? or do you mean on standby mode where wifi is still on but the rest of the wii is off?
crazyman2 said:
By "leaving my Wii on" do you mean like the menu screen and everything just left running? or do you mean on standby mode where wifi is still on but the rest of the wii is off?

I think it is on standby. The power button is yellow insted of green. I think the wifi is still on.
ya the yellow light is what im talking about. well i highly doubt thats the problem tho, arent the wii's made for them to be left with wifi on?

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