The Best Final Fantasy Game

FF IX was amazing...the last installment on the psone was the greatest thing since canned bread.
Final Fantasy XII gets my vote basically because the battle system is a lot better than FFX and Balthier is the greatest character in videogame history. The ending of the game is a lot like Return of the Jedi and I like that movie too. :)

The good thing about FFXII's characters is that they all lost friends and family because of the war and they want to destroy the Empire because of that,
but in the end they realise that there is nothing they can do to bring them back and instead of characters that want revenge, they turn into characters that just want to end the war.

I liked FFX's story as well. It was amazingly deep. Of course there is the romance and at the end
the creature is dead and the main character disappears making the ending both happy and sad at the same time. Of course they had to screw that up by making that piece of crap sequel.
The thing I like most, however, is how they incorporated religion in the game. (I won't go further on that one because I don't want to start a debate :) )
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Ofcourse the best is Final Fantasy IV. Real characters, with a real plot, with real twists. Final Fantasy VI was also a great game, and I enjoyed Final Fantasy VII too....But after VII, the rest were utter jokes. I've given up on the series now, as I associate it with 12 year old Naruto fans.

This is one of my favorite FF games so far and its pretty fun and cool too!

I cant wait to get "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates" and it comes out at 3/11/08.. right after Super Smash Bros Brawl is out, haha.
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