The most reasonable character list mock up for SSBB:


Yay I'm dead!
Jul 21, 2006
Over the Stars

I crossed out the ones I didnt think should really be in brawl at all.
yeah, i think i0n did something like that on here. it looks good. i can tell mega man was one of the characters you crossed out, who are the other 3?
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Mr_Stoukaph said:
yeah, i think i0n did something like that on here. it looks good. i can tell mega man was one of the characters you crossed out, who are the other 3?
Missingno, that chick from Advance Wars, and Lucus from Mother 3.
the second pic is sooo big... it has almost miyamoto in it... almost sppyro whos own by sony jaja
i think that is WAY too many characters (second pic) it would take so long to find "your character" because it would take for ever to play thru them all and experience all their moves and how they play
Homicidal_Gamer said:
Usually people go was over board with these mock ups! :lol:

if you look near the bottom you can see sandbag! i mean come on! How could you possibly play as a bag of sand? Now thats rediculous!:lol:

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