The next Nintendo... (Post Wii)


Jun 18, 2006
Houston, Tx
Wii Online Code
I have a theory. I was thinking what would be the most likely reason behind if the Nintendo Wii came in 3rd place in sales. I came to a conclusion that it would more than likely be the graphics. When the average person goes video game shopping, or parent goes shopping for their kid for christmas, when they are looking at what games to buy, what do most of them look at? What they see in the screenshots of the game on the box. If a person goes out to buy an unspecified game, and they look at the visuals compared to the PS3, they are naturally going to be inclined to go the sony route.

So my theory is that for the next Nintendo, they are finally going to up the visuals so that they can compete with Sony, Microsoft, or any other gaming hardware company at the time in all aspects of the system, including high-end graphics. If they did do that, obviously the nintendo with be more expensive, but they would still try and be economical and only raise it by like $50 more than the Wii will be.

Yall's thoughts?
physics will be the next focus

Well I cant imagine that any system would put out a new system without upgrading the graphics. But I think that Nintendo will make large overhauls to their grpahics next time. Here are two reasons why. They are not majorly improving graphics this round, so failing to do so next time would put them even farther behind the competitors with respect to graphics. A second reason for improving them next time is that this will occur after the national switch to Digital Television, which I believe happens in 2009 for America. At this date most everything should be offered in HD or at least SDTV which is still better than analog. But by 2010 or whenever the next system comes out, I would think that most people would have at least one HDTV. At least of the people interested in gaming systems that is. So the next gen seems like a good time for nintendo to up its graphics to say a little better than what PS3 is offering today. And in 5 years or so, those chips will be dirt cheap. However, what I would like to see is not so much an increase in the realism of graphics as I would like to see an increase in the realism of physics. I remember a commercial that was out at least 5 years ago where they had a "cyber Barry Sanders" this was essentially a real video of Barry Sanders (he was an American football player for those of you who dont know) running down the field but the image was covered up with shiny polygons. Now todays technology can definitely make the polygons on his body look better for a video game, but the motion of his body, because it was real, was absolutely amazing. At first I though this was a video game because of the animations covering his body and I was blown away by the realistic movements as he ran. But alas, this was not a computer generated image, only computer enhanced I would like to see a focus on making movements in games more realistic. So the perfect next gen nintendo in my mind should have the best of the wii interface and play style (whatever turns out to be bad if any can be fixed or removed), More computing power than the PS3 (this should be significantly cheaper in the future), and an increased empahsis on real phsics. This sort of work is not needed in games like Mario - but I would especially like to see this work done by system and game developers for sports games or fighting games. Anything that involves real people essentially. Maybe even Zelda too. This gen is great, but I think Next Gen will be even better. The strides that will be taken gaphically will be more insignificant once into the HD range, so I dont see XBOX and Playstation improving their graphical system as much. They will probably have to address ways to overhaul gameplay in response to the (hopefully) enormous success of the Wii. While they waste time trying to figure out how to make their own new gameplay style, Nintendo will be buying some cheap outdated graphics cards that still look amazing and putting the majority of their development efforts into game physics to create a never before seen realistic system that will utilize an improved version of the Wii interface and incredible crisp images and fluid, realistic motions.
Interesting theory, True that parents look at the visuals of the games but they also look at the prices. They would probably go for the more affordable one.

Nintendo is kinda on a different path then Sony and Microsoft it seems to me. They do not have the technology like Sony and Microsoft do since they are hardware companies. So nintendo focus on the fun factors and build upon it like the Wii's remote and make it afforadable so they can try and bring in as many people as they can. This is only my thoughts.
I agree with, nintendo seem to focus on the entertainment of the console and the gamer, but that is a valid point but i think the wii will rival sony in the sales.
Yeah, right now it looks like the Wii is doing better then the PS3.
I had a ps2 an didnt think about the gamecube wen it came out but now the wii seems the only choice for my next console an i think this cud happen to now former sony fans.
Brokine said:
Yeah, right now it looks like the Wii is doing better then the PS3.

Because I'm interested in only Wii i dont really actively seek out the competition. I wasnt aware that Wii had the pre launch edge. Thats good to know. I figured they did though what with that 600 dollar launch price that Sony is asking for. More Wii sales = more third party support. I like that a lot. I cant wait to play Zelda, Redsteel, and Madden - and I wish they would hurry up with Mario Kart already.

And for the next gen consoles - Im telling you guys, mark my words. the next area to receive a major overhaul will not be graphics or control type - but PHYSICS. This will be the largest barrier between the consoles of the next next generation and the real world. Look for major emphasis on improving the realism of character and object movements in future systems
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phiggey said:
Well I cant imagine that any system would put out a new system without upgrading the graphics. But I think that Nintendo will make large overhauls to their grpahics next time. Here are two reasons why. They are not majorly improving graphics this round, so failing to do so next time would put them even farther behind the competitors with respect to graphics. A second reason for improving them next time is that this will occur after the national switch to Digital Television, which I believe happens in 2009 for America. At this date most everything should be offered in HD or at least SDTV which is still better than analog. But by 2010 or whenever the next system comes out, I would think that most people would have at least one HDTV. At least of the people interested in gaming systems that is. So the next gen seems like a good time for nintendo to up its graphics to say a little better than what PS3 is offering today. And in 5 years or so, those chips will be dirt cheap. However, what I would like to see is not so much an increase in the realism of graphics as I would like to see an increase in the realism of physics. I remember a commercial that was out at least 5 years ago where they had a "cyber Barry Sanders" this was essentially a real video of Barry Sanders (he was an American football player for those of you who dont know) running down the field but the image was covered up with shiny polygons. Now todays technology can definitely make the polygons on his body look better for a video game, but the motion of his body, because it was real, was absolutely amazing. At first I though this was a video game because of the animations covering his body and I was blown away by the realistic movements as he ran. But alas, this was not a computer generated image, only computer enhanced I would like to see a focus on making movements in games more realistic. So the perfect next gen nintendo in my mind should have the best of the wii interface and play style (whatever turns out to be bad if any can be fixed or removed), More computing power than the PS3 (this should be significantly cheaper in the future), and an increased empahsis on real phsics. This sort of work is not needed in games like Mario - but I would especially like to see this work done by system and game developers for sports games or fighting games. Anything that involves real people essentially. Maybe even Zelda too. This gen is great, but I think Next Gen will be even better. The strides that will be taken gaphically will be more insignificant once into the HD range, so I dont see XBOX and Playstation improving their graphical system as much. They will probably have to address ways to overhaul gameplay in response to the (hopefully) enormous success of the Wii. While they waste time trying to figure out how to make their own new gameplay style, Nintendo will be buying some cheap outdated graphics cards that still look amazing and putting the majority of their development efforts into game physics to create a never before seen realistic system that will utilize an improved version of the Wii interface and incredible crisp images and fluid, realistic motions.

Well put Phiggey. And yes what I ment by visuals was graphics, physics and animations. I think that depending on how well the Wii does, determines greatly what kind of system comes next. I think for the Wii, they are just starting to get their feet wet with what they have in mind. Im not too sure what they want ultimately for their dream system, but I think they want you too feel as though you are actually in the game doing all motions, interacting with other people online.
interacting with the game an consoles shud be the nex step forward an with the visuals. The wii has already started this off with the controls.
^^ Yes, but havent you ever seen a game with great looking graphics that you think are incredible until the character decides to move. This was the case with a lot of PS1 games - though I never owned the system. SEga CD was similar. And now games like madden, the still shots look great - but the running and jumping is aweful. While the graphics are a lot sharper - the characters still move choppy like they did in tecmo bowl - well not quite that bad. . .but the physics have not improved as much as the rest of graphics have - ie polygons and shaders etc. This stuff will be key to what you descirbed as having people "feel as though [they] are actually in the game doing all the motions."

And I agree that the next system will most likely not be exactly like wii as far as controller goes. When has nintendo ever put out the same controller (or very similar controllers) for 2 systems? Maybe the next controllers will be more like having 2 nunchucks (because a lot of people dont like the squared off remote control look of the wiimote - changing this in the future would definitely increase sales, all though I for one dont care. And nintendo will change the way the controller works, get rid of the bad and keep the good. Some developers will come along and find new ways to use the wiimote and better ways of using it to accomplish the same thing that had previously been accomplished in a different way. For instance, RedSteel may not have real time motions with its sword. Hopefully the glitches that inhibit that will be worked out by Lucas Arts when they put out the ultimate starwars game. The possibilities for Wii are limitless at this point, so the possiblilities for next gen. . . who knows? Maybe Wii will flop and drive nintendo out of business (haha, yeah right, like that will ever happen)
Crockett said:
interacting with the game an consoles shud be the nex step forward an with the visuals. The wii has already started this off with the controls.

yes wii has started it now - so this will not be a major focus for nintendo next time around - they are working hard to develop it now. Next go round they will only have to improve it. So they will be able to put there resources into other areas. I personally hope they always stay behind in graphics because that will keep the cost down. Outdated chips are always a lot cheaper but still capable of performing at what was once considered top of the line. So with controls and graphics not being majorly revamped next time. . .what is left? again - physics - Or holograms, but i havent decided for sure yet
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Phiggy make sure you knock on some wood after your last comment. hahaha
^I understand wat you mean the movement of the games is very important as this used on every part of the games.

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