The Nintendo TS!


WiiChat Member
Jun 8, 2006
No, there was no typo in the title. Check out this news for the new Nintendo TS! Click Here!

The only question is wether this is true or not. The date of that news post should give you a clue. :cool:

Go TS!
April Fools! That was funny. I actually started to believe it for a second. But what do you think the next generation nintendo handheld will be like? I would really like to hear your opinion
If that was real that'd be weird, why would you need three screens??
Supermariomp3 said:
April Fools! That was funny. I actually started to believe it for a second. But what do you think the next generation nintendo handheld will be like? I would really like to hear your opinion
The question is what's the Next Generation of GameBoy going be like. I was thinking maybe 3-D grpahics and joystick that's that pops in and out and it should hold music. Nintendo TS:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Actually, there most likely won't be a next generation of Gameboy, which makes me sad. But I'm glad you guys like that joke! It came from a site ( that is one of my favorite haunts. ^_^
If they are going to make a new gen of the gb, whch i'm sure they will, they should go back to an old-school gb color ahhh...those were the days, when I wasted away my life playing every frickin' pokemon that cam out, yes those were the days.
ssbb_lover said:
If they are going to make a new gen of the gb, whch i'm sure they will, they should go back to an old-school gb color ahhh...those were the days, when I wasted away my life playing every frickin' pokemon that cam out, yes those were the days.
I know what u mean I remember when i plaed pokemon red or blue, or some mario that i had a lot of fun with em that was on GB Color!
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Sure, but what does any of that have to do with the topic?

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