Think We Can Put Roms Onto Virtual Console?

D Twizzle

Lovin' The Wii
Aug 16, 2006
Nottingham, England
Wii Online Code
Do you think there will be any hack to put roms from the internet into the virtual console? I'm not talking about ripping Nintendo off but getting games onto there like Golden Eye and Perfect Dark that the big N dont have the rights too?
D Twizzle said:
Do you think there will be any hack to put roms from the internet into the virtual console? I'm not talking about ripping Nintendo off but getting games onto there like Golden Eye and Perfect Dark that the big N dont have the rights too?
I seriously doubt it. They probably have some sort of check to see if you've got a legitimate copy of the ROM. They did say a while back that ROM's will not be able to be transfered to a different Wii console. That being said, I'm sure SOMEBODY will come up with a way to mod the Wii. But having multiplayer Goldeneye and Perfect Dark over a hacked ROM would not be possible because (as I understand it), Nintendo servers merely connect one Wii to another (P2P network style). This means that the server itself has to recognise which game you're playing to connect you up with players running the same game - and if it's illegal (which it definately will be), Nintendo won't support it from their end.

Hope that makes sense. Still, whilst Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were amazing games, they weren't the only amazing games on previous Nintendo systems.
I think that within weeks of the Wii release, we will see exploits for virtual console, and for external drives / storage.
I'm sure that Nintendo will do what they can to prevent that. Plus with a 24hour connection to the big N's servers i'm sure they will be scanning to find out if anyone is using things they shouldn't be.
Jenksie said:
I'm sure that Nintendo will do what they can to prevent that. Plus with a 24hour connection to the big N's servers i'm sure they will be scanning to find out if anyone is using things they shouldn't be.
sure they can try to stop hacks. but if there are enough dedicated hackers they will give nintendo a headache, and yeh, i think the VC will be hacked in no time. maybe im underestimating nintendo, i hope so because nintendo is the greatest and shouldnt lose anything
The mods will find a way
the 360 can allready be chiped
if that happens how knows it might even shut down the 24 site thats a no go just because plp want to play games that dont exist
MetroidZ said:
sure they can try to stop hacks. but if there are enough dedicated hackers they will give nintendo a headache, and yeh, i think the VC will be hacked in no time. maybe im underestimating nintendo, i hope so because nintendo is the greatest and shouldnt lose anything

I agree, for a while it will probably be a big circle. Hackers find a way round copy protection/detection, then nintendo try to find a way around the hack and then the process starts all over again.
yah, find a way to transfer games to a friends console somehow. maybe each VC code comes with a coding that the wii has and the wii will only play games that match. people will find a way to change it through opening the sd card in their computer and messing around, then copying it onto another sd card with the friend's wii code and then they have it
Jenksie said:
I'm sure that Nintendo will do what they can to prevent that. Plus with a 24hour connection to the big N's servers i'm sure they will be scanning to find out if anyone is using things they shouldn't be.

But if the person isn't connected to the internet (ie unplug their internet temporarily etc) then they couldn't tell anything.
Darkprinny said:
The mods will find a way
the 360 can allready be chiped
well yes and no. the DVD firmware chip can be flashed with a new firmware that tricks the 360 into thinking the burned game is a legit copy.

anyways they wil probably tie the game into the consoles serial number and into the account tha bought it. thats the MS does with their XBL Arcade games and no one has yet to find a way around it
Link_of_Hyrule said:
meh its not like the games are expensive seriosely just spend the $8 on your ocarina of time download

yea but we're talking about games that nintendo won't release on VC. The Rare games like Perfect Dark and GoldenEye
Just because Nintendo don't own it, doesn't mean it's not piracy. I would say, have faith. Wait for Nintendo to do some discussions with Microsoft and Rare. I'm sure Micro$oft can handle to lose a few $8 games to Nintendo.

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