Thinking of buying a DS

Wii-Bhoy said:
i would advise you not to get Animal Crossing. i thought it was crap. do get Custom Robo Arena though it is ownage!:thumbsup:
The only good CR game was my 64 import. Even that is only just on Par. The GC one was utter crap and the DS one feels exactly the same exept with some crappy wi-fi. I am collecting wi-fi games but Animal Crossing always struck a chord of comfort that kept me happy. The GC version mey've been the same as the 64 version, but hey with NES roms FROM Nintendo as a GIFT!!!!!! You can't go wrong. If you like the GC version then help another village in the car or Starbucks or ANYWHERE!!!!!!!! Evev on a flippin plane!!!!!!! All with your DS!!!! I played that along with KH2 when I broke my leg.
The DS is an awesome system - I never regretted getting mine like I did with my PSP. A few good games I'd recommend for you are....

1. Metroid
2. Elite Beat Agents
3. Pokemon DS (Come on, nerd it up :p)
4. Mario Kart DS
5. Zelda (when it finally releases..)