Tired of having a sucky team? (CoD)


Feb 6, 2009
Candler, NC
Wii Online Code
Don't you just hate it when you have a 3:1 ratio yet your team has a -3:1 ratio? Tired of losing because a noob joins and gets hunted? Tired of retarded team mates who don't whip around the opposing team who's camping? Well, this thread is specifically for players who want good team mates. Post your fc below, mine is in my sig. you must have at least a 1:1 win/kill ratio & at least 2nd prestige.
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so **** sherlock


"Elementary my dear, elementary"

Anyways are you going to make it your task to continually stalk my CoD post and point out how conceded i am? :p
Damn, does every here suck, or are they having better luck than me? POST you nitches, I need good team mates.
totally, yasterday i lost 5 games because of my teammates. my score was higher than the other teams top scorer but my teamates were noobish
I think I must be missing something here. I thought the purpose of the Wii was to have fun, not rack up scores or whatever. Perhaps you should take a leadership role and make the others on your team better, rather than blame them for your score. It's not the others fault that they don't have the experience you do, or take it as a life and death game. Sounds like you need to lighten up a bit and enjoy the game. Just my 2 cents.
then leave the match.

well if you leave. it still counts as a loss.


i know that but these people were not even putting up a decent fight. they would be looking in other direction when someone was shooting them. that would get frustrating IMO.
Ryu i will create a clan with you, i know everytime we play we kill! Pm me so we can talk about it.
From my experence playing cod, one or two good people on one team can pretty much win the game by themselves. Those couple good players can take and hold the best spots on the map, which makes their less skilled teammates better. They can just blast away as the other teams guys come running in.

Although I have this game on xbox and haven't played the wii version online...so I could be wrong.
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Ryu i will create a clan with you, i know everytime we play we kill! Pm me so we can talk about it.

Thanks man.
Every time I try to join your party/game it tries for 1min then it says "game/party not available"
Still no freaking fc's...f**k nuggets >.<
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Thanks man.
Every time I try to join your party/game it tries for 1min then it says "game/party not available"
Still no freaking fc's...f**k nuggets >.<

yeah cause they reduced the party limit from 4 to 2 in tdm and veteran

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