Toonlink keeps appearing on normal mode?


WiiChat Member
Mar 16, 2008
This is pretty weird or a glitch or something, but playing on normal mode with any character to the end always shows toonlink as the new challenger. However he fights as if it's on insane mode because I swear I can't get one hit on him. Anyone else experience this or know how it happens?
i thought i was the only one who this happened to... oiy haha, yeah but i died the first three times and then i won ! :) i like him better than normal link, hes faster and more agile! (sp?)
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komio said:
i thought i was the only one who this happened to... oiy haha, yeah but i died the first three times and then i won ! :) i like him better than normal link, hes faster and more agile! (sp?)
Ha-Ha, cool man. I just unlocked him finally using the only character I can use properly, Ike, mainly because I'm more of brute force player than stradegizer.
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KTIGZ said:
_BEAT HIM NOW!!!! Going to classic mode, just to lose at the end and having to do it again is a female dog.
Tell me about it. I hated having to do it over and over again just to get to the end. I'm kind of semi-veteran of the smash brother's series and it was still tedious as heck to do that for one character, but toon link is really nice speed wise.
glh92 said:
This is pretty weird or a glitch or something, but playing on normal mode with any character to the end always shows toonlink as the new challenger. However he fights as if it's on insane mode because I swear I can't get one hit on him. Anyone else experience this or know how it happens?
Know why it's so hard? Or why he keeps popping up as new challenger?

1) He's hard because... well, he's a new character. If they made it easy, where's the fun? I'd use a cheap character and keep spamming moves. Also, block+dodge+grab a lot. Remember, pressing attack while shielding uses your shield grab.

2) Why he keeps popping up as a new challenger? If you lose to a new char., do whatever you did to get him (like, say unlock luigi from Brawls. If you lose, do another brawl). Until you beat him, he will keep popping up as a new challenger.
Yeah it took me about 3-4 times to finally unlock TL. First time I did it on Normal with Link, then I tried Easy and he showed up. Still was hard to kill lol
The reason Toon Link is the new challenger is because once you beat Adventure Mode, Toon Link becomes the character you face after classic mode. Oh and I beat him pretty easily with Pikachu, but just use which ever character you are best with.
I put the difficulty level on easy cuz I didn't want to keep playing classic on Normal
Notorious said:
hahahah wow, it took me literally 10 secs to kill Toon Link

yea i beat him in the first encounter i had with him lol

Birdmaster said:
*CROWD IN THE BACK,WE LIKE IKE WE LIKE IKE!!!!*i freaking love Ike.

im right there with you... ike is amazing :-D
You seriously thought it was a glitch. You must be one of those guys who jumped on the bandwagon without even playing a previous Super Smash Bros. game.

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