Ultimate Duck Hunting Screens

Sounds pretty okay, though I doubt I'd buy it. I'd much rather be shooting zombies than ducks. Although zombie ducks would be awesome to shoot.

"quaaaaaack, quaaaaack"
Ooo, Duck Hunt, reviving the classics eh...this game sounds interesting, for I was a huge fan of the original Duck Hunt game on the NES. I will surely be getting this game when it is released. The only flaw - I wish they would keep the setting more classic looking, but hey, if you want that, then just grab a copy of:


Looks good for a hunting game, still wouldn't buy it though. It's probably really repetetive
This game is so lame that I bet the people that made it are embarased. If the last two games on earth were this and That's so Raven, I would opt for Raven. I would even play it on the first GBA in dim lighting. This game sucks so much, if it were free it would be over-priced.
thats harsh, it looks quite good, maybe its just coz im into that sort of stuff.
air rifles vs virtual shotgun. hmm... at least i could blow bits outa stuff without atualy hurtin anything, ecept my brain.
LoganSix said:
Hybrid ~ do you think using the Wii mote is going to improve poor AI and boring game play?
hell no!
it will stink!
like almost every single new wii game coming out!
I used to shoot the stupid dog in the old one, I wonder if you can do the same in this one?
drewster2k said:
I dont know why but when i heard about this game i thought that it would be like the old duck hunt (silly i know). This looks really good.

Thankyou for the screens
Exactly what I was about to say haha.
Wow, this is more realistic then I thought...
Originally i thought this was going to be like the old duck hunt but now i can see if is going to be much better and more detailed and clearly by the big text above i defo know now that it is a new game al 2gether lol.
Brawny said:
lol...final time i'm saying this.... Just to recap:

lol, I've been trying to tell people that for months it seems like, but it's like they don't comprehend what I'm saying.
looks rea11y sh1t..... have you seen the movie's of it..... not good
I don't know... Shooting at innocent, unarmed animals just doesn't sit right with me. I'm not vegetarian or anything, but I just couldn't bring myself to shoot an animal, even in a game I'd feel uncomfortable about it. Basically, if it doesn't pose a threat to me or if it hasn't done anything to me, I couldn't kill it. I'm not trying to start a moral debate here, but this is just my thoughts on the topic.

I'd have an easier time shooting a bunch of people from my old highschool for everything they put me through as opposed to going on some kind of hunting trip where I'd be shooting animals who have done nothing to harm me. That is purely hypothetical by the way, I'm not planning anything :p

Hope that doesn't sound too psychotic, but I think it illustrates my point
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