Nintendo 4life
we setup a demo for the game yesturday at our bestbuy, and all i have to say is WOW!!!!!
as a marvel vs capcom hardcore player since 2000, and long time streetfighter fan, it felt foreign for a moment since it only has 3 attack buttons. but after 10 mins, i picked right up on it, combos, air combos and hyper combos.
control wise i suggest the classic controller or gamecube controller, but like smash bros, you can pick what suits you.
the graphics and presentation is marvelous, you wont be disappointed at all. vivid and vibrant, and the audio goes well together.
after an half n hour playing i right away knew, its gonna be a LONG time till i play marvel vs capcom on ps3 again, thats how good it is, and fear not, the tatsunoko players are NO JOKE, they can get down haha. having the tatsunoko charchters adds to the game because im unfamiliar with all of the, so its exciting to learn all their moves, history etc, plus the new capcom charchters like megaman volnutt, zero, viewtiful joe (he's amazing by the way).
my only concern is how the wi-f- is going to be. all my wifi games except tiger woods & mario kart have been less than satisfactory, so i guess tuesday i will find out.
afterward i saw ign's review and how they gave it a 9, i have to say i strongly agree with this, if you're a VS series fan GET THIS GAME! Get a wii if you dont have it just for this.

as a marvel vs capcom hardcore player since 2000, and long time streetfighter fan, it felt foreign for a moment since it only has 3 attack buttons. but after 10 mins, i picked right up on it, combos, air combos and hyper combos.
control wise i suggest the classic controller or gamecube controller, but like smash bros, you can pick what suits you.
the graphics and presentation is marvelous, you wont be disappointed at all. vivid and vibrant, and the audio goes well together.
after an half n hour playing i right away knew, its gonna be a LONG time till i play marvel vs capcom on ps3 again, thats how good it is, and fear not, the tatsunoko players are NO JOKE, they can get down haha. having the tatsunoko charchters adds to the game because im unfamiliar with all of the, so its exciting to learn all their moves, history etc, plus the new capcom charchters like megaman volnutt, zero, viewtiful joe (he's amazing by the way).
my only concern is how the wi-f- is going to be. all my wifi games except tiger woods & mario kart have been less than satisfactory, so i guess tuesday i will find out.
afterward i saw ign's review and how they gave it a 9, i have to say i strongly agree with this, if you're a VS series fan GET THIS GAME! Get a wii if you dont have it just for this.