User Review: Tatsunoko vs capcom


Nintendo 4life
Oct 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
7527 1826 6337 6464
we setup a demo for the game yesturday at our bestbuy, and all i have to say is WOW!!!!!


as a marvel vs capcom hardcore player since 2000, and long time streetfighter fan, it felt foreign for a moment since it only has 3 attack buttons. but after 10 mins, i picked right up on it, combos, air combos and hyper combos.

control wise i suggest the classic controller or gamecube controller, but like smash bros, you can pick what suits you.

the graphics and presentation is marvelous, you wont be disappointed at all. vivid and vibrant, and the audio goes well together.

after an half n hour playing i right away knew, its gonna be a LONG time till i play marvel vs capcom on ps3 again, thats how good it is, and fear not, the tatsunoko players are NO JOKE, they can get down haha. having the tatsunoko charchters adds to the game because im unfamiliar with all of the, so its exciting to learn all their moves, history etc, plus the new capcom charchters like megaman volnutt, zero, viewtiful joe (he's amazing by the way).

my only concern is how the wi-f- is going to be. all my wifi games except tiger woods & mario kart have been less than satisfactory, so i guess tuesday i will find out.

afterward i saw ign's review and how they gave it a 9, i have to say i strongly agree with this, if you're a VS series fan GET THIS GAME! Get a wii if you dont have it just for this.
I hear nothing but good things about this game but after playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl it's hard for me to buy any other fighting game.
I hear nothing but good things about this game but after playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl it's hard for me to buy any other fighting game.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom is one of the best fighting games available on any platform though. All the Wii had before was SSBB and some other decent fighters. With TvsC it now has a real top tier fighter and one that can stand up to the likes of Street Fighter IV, Blazblue, Tekken and Soul Caliber. Actually TvsC is better than all of those, perhaps with the exception of Blazblue which I haven't played.

SSBB is a very different experience, being 4 player for a start. TvsC would be a good compliment to it, as a faster paced fighter with insanely awesome combos but with the same kind of simple to pick up yet deep gameplay. Online should be smoother too (seems good so far) as it only deals with 2 players.

Above all the game is incredibly fun and everyone that has seen it so far has said the same thing - that game is awesome!
I might buy Tatsunoko vs Capcom, though i rarely like fighting games, but my except Street Fighter & mortal kombat, i might pick this up. This looks so sweet, all i heard r good things about this title.
I played a demo. Wasn't really impressed...
Everyone who has a Wii has to get this game. I've been playing it for the last 2 hours and this has to be the best fighter in a long time. It even beats out Street Fighter 4 I believe. This game rocks and everything you heard about it is true.
I might buy Tatsunoko vs Capcom, though i rarely like fighting games, but my except Street Fighter & mortal kombat, i might pick this up. This looks so sweet, all i heard r good things about this title.
I have herd both bad and good.
Some say there are balance issues with it .
(Check out some of the fights on Fightersgeneration same combos same characters), but two people that dont really play that many fighting games will probably get more joy out of it.
(So not really for someone like me that spent the last week playing King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match on his PS2)
street fighter is essentially the same, just different characters
Basically yes
They all tend to use the standard six button set up, but on top of that Capcom adds more these days
as a marvel vs capcom hardcore player since 2000, and long time streetfighter fan, it felt foreign for a moment since it only has 3 attack buttons. but after 10 mins, i picked right up on it, combos, air combos and hyper combos.
Didnt marvel vs Capcom use six buttons

Wait it did!
I remember ranting to some Japanese guy in a suit at the Dreamcast launch party over the Dreamcasts button layout not suiting a six button fighter (this was before my trollisation)(for some reason MvC2 only used four)
control wise i suggest the classic controller or gamecube controller
Id like to unrecommend the GameCube controller as it isnt made for fighting games due to that damn small D-pad.
One good alt that I tend to use is a GameCube 2 PS2 adapter and use a PS2 Street Fighter pad

Slight word about the review .
Try to use capital letters when they should be used.
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I hear nothing but good things about this game but after playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl it's hard for me to buy any other fighting game.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom is one of the best fighting games available on any platform though. All the Wii had before was SSBB and some other decent fighters. With TvsC it now has a real top tier fighter and one that can stand up to the likes of Street Fighter IV, Blazblue, Tekken and Soul Caliber. Actually TvsC is better than all of those, perhaps with the exception of Blazblue which I haven't played.

SSBB is a very different experience, being 4 player for a start. TvsC would be a good compliment to it, as a faster paced fighter with insanely awesome combos but with the same kind of simple to pick up yet deep gameplay. Online should be smoother too (seems good so far) as it only deals with 2 players.

Above all the game is incredibly fun and everyone that has seen it so far has said the same thing - that game is awesome!

I understand that %100 and purchasing the game crosses my mind every time I think about it.

But from my perspective I only want to have the best the Wii offers from every genre. After buying Mario Kart I won't be purchasing another racer. And Brawl is my favorite game of All Time. So it really is a hard act to follow.
Tatsunoko vs Capcom is one of the best fighting games available on any platform though. All the Wii had before was SSBB and some other decent fighters. With TvsC it now has a real top tier fighter and one that can stand up to the likes of Street Fighter IV, Blazblue, Tekken and Soul Caliber. Actually TvsC is better than all of those, perhaps with the exception of Blazblue which I haven't played.
TvC can be played by mashing buttons (from what I have read)
Well most fighting games are like that till you fight somebody that knows what there doing.
But from my perspective I only want to have the best the Wii offers from every genre. After buying Mario Kart I won't be purchasing another racer. And Brawl is my favorite game of All Time. So it really is a hard act to follow.

Nar buy it anyway (Zavvi sell it for under £18 and at that price im tempted, but alass I need the money for arcade machine parts and that will make me more money in the long run)
Smash Brothers is hard to call a traditional fighting game
street fighter is essentially the same, just different characters
No not really. There are some similarities, like Ryu's hadoken, spinning kick and dragon punch are performed using the same inputs but the combos, special moves and tactics are a lot different. You could say that they are the same because they are 2D fighting games but then you could apply that to any fighter, it's like saying Mortal Combat, Street Fighter or SSBB are all the same.

Some say there are balance issues with it.

I believe that the balance issues were with the original 'Cross Generation of Heroes' Japanese release. They were supposed to be addressing this for Ultimate Allstars and I haven't noticed any really overpowered characters yet.
street fighter is essentially the same, just different characters
No not really. There are some similarities, like Ryu's hadoken, spinning kick and dragon punch are performed using the same inputs but the combos, special moves and tactics are a lot different. You could say that they are the same because they are 2D fighting games but then you could apply that to any fighter, it's like saying Mortal Combat, Street Fighter or SSBB are all the same.
by same i meant the mechanics. all the street fighter and vsCapcom games use the pretty much the same stuff, they just add more characters and some new features. MK or SSB stayed the mostly the same as their sequels but each one plays differently from other fighting games
But from my perspective I only want to have the best the Wii offers from every genre. After buying Mario Kart I won't be purchasing another racer. And Brawl is my favorite game of All Time. So it really is a hard act to follow.

That makes sense. I always used to apply that to my games in the past, it was kind of a gauge as to how successful a console was for me. I'd want a good fighting game, a racer, a platformer, a RPG etc. The Wii is a bit different because it has some games that don't really fit in traditional genres, so now I just tend to buy whatever interests me. It seems to be working out ok as we have quite a variety of game types.

I'm not a big SSBB fan, the only time we really play it is with 4 players just for fun. TvsC just seems to grab ahold of me and wont let go though, I played it with my grandaughter for over 4 hours straight last night and we could have happily kept going if I didn't have to go to work today.

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