What do you think will happen at the end of Twilight Princess?


Evil Link
Oct 12, 2006
I Think that there is going to be a big flood and I think that link is going to die. Or I think that Ganondorf is finally going to win for once.
Listen, I don't want to know what happens at the end of the game. That is where you get your satisfaction for completing the game. If you finish it and already know what happens at the end because you read it somewhere or saw someone finish it, you're going to regret you found out earlier and wish you never heard about it beforehand.

An excuse like "I just can't wait" isn't good enough. It shows poor gaming appreciation and quality towards the efforts nintendo have made towards their games.

This whole idea of seeing how a game ends is almost like reading the back page of a book because you couldn't be bothered with the rest of the story. In fact it is the rest of the story that affects the ending and vice versa, leaving the reader wanting to read it again or not. Same applies with good games.
damn plp really want to kill threads fast these days i dont no gannon dorf splits the huge island in to several peices so its hardedr for link to get to him i dont no
lol Navi:link stop burning that coal youll melt the polar ice caps and your anscestors will have to tavel in a talking boat
Link: shut up navi (zelda brusts in ) WELLLLLLLLL EXCUSEEEEEEEEEEEE ME PRINCESS lol
in touch with the wii said:
lol Navi:link stop burning that coal youll melt the polar ice caps and your anscestors will have to tavel in a talking boat
Link: shut up navi (zelda brusts in ) WELLLLLLLLL EXCUSEEEEEEEEEEEE ME PRINCESS lol
lmao :lol: :lol: yup. thats what im thinking :sick:
I don’t think that this zelda game is going to be connected to ww and oot. It’s also possible that oot isn’t connected to wind waker. I think it would be a shame if it led up to wind waker, now I do like that game, and squeals are as cool as hell, but i don’t want tp to be a prequel. I wouldn’t mind if tp was after ww or after oot as a possible alternet telling if you want to think that ww is a sequel to oot. I hope its just a retelling. I think ww will give it too much baggage.
Apparently Global Warming also makes the world look like a strange plastic maze of pastel colors.

/Curse Cel-Shading.
zelda is going to discover the wii and start to play his own game in the ending cutscene.......but thats not really the end...hmmm iunno.
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I read this interesting article about twilight princess. It said that the link from majora's mask helped ganondorf escape the sacred realm that the sages had on him. But it wasn't the ordinary Link. It was Fierce Deity Link. (You know the mask you get at the end of Majora's Mask.) It said that Link had some evils plans and he was going to help Ganondorf envoke the land of hyrule in the twilight realm. I really don't think it is true but it is a very interesting theory.
I read somewhere that Zelda TP would fill in the gaps of the storyline as most of them dont really connect together except for after oot link goes on holiday to termina in MajorasMask. I hope it does the story is confsuing o_0.

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