what is the meaning of life?

mushroomedmario said:
i noticed you used the term believing, you should be happy, not believe that your happy cause you didn't do things you thought you shouldn't do.....
What I meant is that sometimes you believe you're happy when you do things that make you feel good, but are irresponsible or inmature in some way. For example, drugs, they do make you feel good, but in the long term, they only bring pain and suffering to you, your family or anyone around you. That's not happinness, that's why I used the term "believe". Happiness, IMO, should be a constant state of mind, something you achieve by a deep self-understanding. I think that if you're happy, you are happy all the time, not just when you do things you like, or if you are with a certain person, or whatever. You free yourself from all that external stuff (sry, couldn't a proper word, english is not my native language) and learn that you are the only one responsible for your life, and so, you are the only one who can make you happy. Happinness is inside all of us, it's just a matter of taking it out.

Obiously, that doens't mean that you shouldn't want to do things you like, but you would understand that you don't need to. If you can do something you like or makes you feel good, do it, as long as it's not self-destructing; if you can't, enjoy life anyway, just be happy.

At least that is my opinion on the subject.
"Maybe their is no point to life but, if you keep living you will discover new and interesting things"
I agree with what a couple of other people have said on here already.

I think that the meaning of life is different for everybody. For me I think it's to overcome certain problems I have and just sorta find inner peace, also to not live life regretting things.. making the most of every occasion so that one day, when I'm old and looking back on my life, I won't regret not doing anything.. and I'd know that I've done everything I wanted too do in life.
I am not sure the meaning of life...Maybe sex...But what would make my life complete is having a beautiful wife, kids, a wonderful job, a collection of all my music...(trys not to be a nerd...) ...lifetime supply of xbl and halo 3...=p
Thats the meaning of life the universe and every thing
What do you expect from a fan of the works of Douglas N Addams
Darkprinny said:
Thats the meaning of life the universe and every thing
lol that's true, 42 is the answer to the ultimate question
^^ My best friends (who are mainly goths and emo people ^^)


"There is not certainty in life. Except for Life. Then Death."

Our reason to exist is not to find the answer but to live our lives the way we want.

Quit worrying about why and just do ^^

PS: This is my first post since coming back to the forum... so... the new people probs wont know me ^^ but some people might i.e. Prinny and Frogger
The meaning of life...

To each their own. As for what I think my purpose is; it is to not be a disappointment to those who depend on me, as well as to contribute to society as much as possible.
the_flood502 said:
^^ My best friends (who are mainly goths and emo people ^^)


"There is not certainty in life. Except for Life. Then Death."

Our reason to exist is not to find the answer but to live our lives the way we want.

Quit worrying about why and just do ^^

PS: This is my first post since coming back to the forum... so... the new people probs wont know me ^^ but some people might i.e. Prinny and Frogger

I was just going to point out that you were back. Yaaay, someone I actually like.

So, anyway, I'm going to be all deep and stuff with this.

Not really, I believe that you should enjoy your life, people do it in different ways that others looks down on and aren't politically correct but that's how they want to serve their life or be remembered as. Personally, I just take it in my stride, I'm not looking for any light at the end of the tunnel.

When actually the light is signalling when your brain shuts down.

I like taking the relaxed approach to life. I don't believe that we have a purpose, does anything have a purpose? Some believe that it is to make things better for the world, but, we created all the evil in this world, neutralising shouldn't be our purpose of being.

I'm in it for the fun!

...And possibly all of the debt from that fun.
meaning to life eh?

ok.....the meaning of life is wh...-gets struck by lightning-.....:lol:

your living.....thats its....your the meaning of it