What is your opinion on Wii?


WiiChat Member
Sep 30, 2007
Hey guys, currently doing a paper about Wii as an innovation in relation to consumer behavior. There's been a lot of talk about it outselling and winning hearts of consumers over high-tech and 'better' consoles such as XBOX and Playstation 3. Being an avid gamer both on console and the PC I find this topic pretty interesting, so just to hear what you guys had to say about it. Below is a survey that I'm handing out to most of my gaming friends and I'd love to get your take on things. If you have alot more to say about Wii and its innovativeness, feel free to just comment or give any feedback. Thanks for your time :)

Consumer Behavior Survey: Nintendo Wii​
Thank you for taking your time to complete the following survey. Any information given will be strictly anonymous, and all information collected will only contribute as primary data collection to a postgraduate consumer behavior assignment for the University of Queensland, Australia.

Copy and paste the survey in your reply and underline or mark x [x] in the boxes, cheers!

Personal information
[ ] Male / [ ] Female

Age: _____

[ ] Employed
[ ] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: _____________

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[ ] Playstation 2
[ ] Nintendo Gamecube
[ ] XBOX
[ ] Wii
[ ] XBOX 360
[ ] Playstation 3
[ ] Other _________________________

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[ ] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii _____________________________________________________________
Playstation 3 ______________________________________________________
XBOX 360 ________________________________________________________

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?

END OF SURVEY (Thanks again for your time!)​
Personal information
[/ ] Male / [ ] Female

Age: _27__

[/ ] Employed
[ ] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: ____England_________

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[/ ] Playstation 2
[ ] Nintendo Gamecube
[/ ] XBOX
[/ ] Wii
[ ] XBOX 360
[ ] Playstation 3
[/ ] Other __________PS,PSP,SNES,GB,GBA_______________

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[/ ] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? _Bought before readily available

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[/ ] Yes, and why _Natural movement__________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
Depending on the game they can be very responsive__________

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[/ ] Yes, and why Good range and fairly accurate______
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[/ ] Yes, and why __Depending on the game can be played for hours_
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii _Offers something new, along with old favourites_________
Playstation 3 _Should be a continuation of Sonys success eventually_
XBOX 360 _Has some visually stunning games__________________

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
_Just_more games that really push the Wiis software, ie detailed FPS_______________________________

END OF SURVEY (Thanks again for your time!)​
Personal information
[x] Male / [ ] Female

Age: __20___

[ ] Employed
[x] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: ____England_________

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[x] Playstation 2
[ ] Nintendo Gamecube
[x] XBOX
[x] Wii
[x] XBOX 360
[ ] Playstation 3
[x] Other ________Playstation 1, Mega Drive, Master System_

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[x] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? ________Liked to see a few more FPS's and online flying games i.e. Hestseeker type games____

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[x] Yes, and why __Its just point and press how easy is that.____________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
_I think there great because for once you can physically get involved with a game and for an active person like myself thats just great._________________________________________

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[x] Yes, and why _Fairly accurate and responsive in the games that i have_____________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[x] Yes, and why _I think this question really depends on the games you have im not a big gamer but i probably play more hours on me Wii than iv ever done so on any of my other consoles._____________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?

Wii __Just a really fun console to own especially when you have your mates over and have a few beers.

Playstation 3 __Iv never played one and for the price that i see them at i will never get one far too higher price for me.

XBOX 360 _Iv played on the 360 a few times and its awsome for the graphics i mean it blows the Wii out of the water but for innative whats really different about it.

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
_More channels would be awsome also more Online games which i know (i think a lot more will be coming out soon) and i think as time goes by games will get better and with the remote feel even more natural to play. Its just a matter of time._
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Consumer Behavior Survey: Nintendo Wii​

Personal information
[ / ] Male / [ ] Female

Age: __19___

[ / ] Employed
[ / ] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: _____Australia________

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[ / ] Playstation 2
[ / ] Nintendo Gamecube
[ / ] XBOX
[ / ] Wii
[ / ] XBOX 360
[ / ] Playstation 3
[ / ] Other - Most others

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / (2~5 hours) / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[ / ] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / (5~10 games) / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / (No)
If Not, why? - Live in Aus, massive delays for most wii games, no metroid prime 3, only just got super paper mario a few weeks ago, $20 more for a Wii game than US counterparts.

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
(Yes) / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[ / ] Yes, and why - The remote, best thing since sliced bread.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Nunchuks)?
Great if used right in games.

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[ / ] Yes, and why - Yes, its improving all the time.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[ / ] Yes, and why - Again, the remote is a wonderful control method.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii - Great control scheme, something new and fresh, good franchises, fun
Playstation 3 - Good games on the way (MGS4 and FXIII)
XBOX 360 - Fantastic FPS', probably the most accomplished console at the present time.

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
Nintendo of Australia needs to pull their head in. I'm sick of waiting for Wii games, we suffer monstrous delays, and pay a fair bit more as well. Something needs to be done - I'm getting tired of it.

END OF SURVEY (Thanks again for your time!)​
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Personal information
[X] Male / [ ] Female

Age: _16_

[ ] Employed
[X] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: _United States_

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[X] Playstation 2
[X] Nintendo Gamecube
[X] Wii
[X] XBOX 360
[ ] Playstation 3
[ ] Other _________________________

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[X] Friends and relatives own console
[X] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? ___Yes, in fact it's slightly cheaper than it should be based on quality._

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[X] Yes, and why __any casual gamer should be able to pick up the motion controls and basic gist of the buttons etc. in about 30 minutes. Advanced techniques like using the pointer accurately in a shooting game may take an hour but still overall very easy.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?

(It's nunchuks). The motion controls are great but I would have to say some games get to into it and have you doing stupid and rather superfluous motions. But when the games get it right, such as Metroid, Resident Evil, and Mario Strikers, they totally enhance the gaming experience.

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[X] Yes, and why _The pointer and motion controls are very responsive. The only thing I don't like is you need to buy a seperate charger.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[X] Yes, and why __At the moment there's not a large selection of good games out. But a year from now there will be tons, such as Medal of Honor, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, etc., and 3rd party developers will probably see the money to be made in Wii games and start putting out quality Wii games as well. EA has already started.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii __Ultimate Party Console. Has great potential for more hard-core games as well if they IR pointer and motion controls are well-implemented._
Playstation 3 _Amazing graphics, but only a handful of good games at the moment. There's more on the way though, such as Metal Gear Solid 4. But, the price is just too high, even the hard-core gamers (not me) are iffy about purchasing it._
XBOX 360 _Matches the Wii if not slightly out-does it. Great game selection, the best out right now. Though the online cost money, you get what you pay for. It has Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, and tons of other awesome games. If I played video games more in general, this would be my purchase, but since I don't play a whole lot I went with the $150-cheaper Wii which is still great for my gaming needs._

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?

Like I said earlier, it lacks a strong game set right now. Once Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, etc. come out, (in the next year they'll be out), the Wii's popularity will continue to increase, which hopefully motivates 3rd Party Developers to start putting time into making Wii Games. So far most of the 3rd party games for the Wii have been utter crap, or simple ports of their Xbox versions, with unnecessary Wii Motions thrown in as a gimmick. One example is Splinter Cell Double Agent, which is a great game on Xbox, but was terrible on Wii, even though Tom Clancy is one of the best game developers. So, in conclusion, REAL 3rd Party support and stronger online gaming (right now you need friend codes to play online with most games and there's no voice chat which is a real downer) are the only big problems with the Wii.
Personal information
[X] Male / [ ] Female

Age: 14

[ ] Employed
[X] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: United States of America

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[X] Playstation 2
[X] Nintendo Gamecube
[X] Wii
[X] XBOX 360
[X] Playstation 3
[ ] Other _________________________

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[X] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? The Nintendo Wii games just aren't my type

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why?

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[X] Yes, and why Wii Sports taught you a lot about the Wiimote
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
It is cool but it gets boring after a month

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[X] Yes, and why Yes New Motion Control is Great
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[X] No, and why It gets boring after a while

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii Great Motion Control System for Non Gamers
Playstation 3 Great Blu-Ray Technology Console
XBOX 360 The Best FPS, RPG, and Online Console ever

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?

It is lacking alot of games so far and the motion controls are cool for about a month then it gets boring
Personal information
[x] Male / [ ] Female

Age: ___15__

[ ] Employed
[x] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: Canada

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[x] Playstation 2
[x] Nintendo Gamecube
[x] XBOX
[x] Wii
[x] XBOX 360
[x] Playstation 3
[x] Other Snes,Nes,Sega

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[x] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[x] Yes, and why: Controls are made so anyone can play
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
I love them, obviously the Wii would not be what it is without them

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[x] Yes, and why: Games are easy and fun to play
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[x] Yes, and why: On your own, Friends
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii: Future looks good, good controls, great franchise titles
Playstation 3: Stunning Visuals, doing its own thing
XBOX 360: Great online, good games

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?

I find the graphics to be fine with certain games, and love the experience the Wii brings me.
I am happy where it is right now!
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Personal information
[x] Male / [ ] Female

Age: __15__

[ ] Employed
[x] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: _____U.S.________

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[x] Playstation 2
[x] Nintendo Gamecube
[ ] XBOX
[x] Wii
[ ] XBOX 360
[ ] Playstation 3
[ ] Other _________________________

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

depends on when i bought my last game.

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[x] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? ____but needs more shooters___________

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[x] No, and why __some games have very hard controls such as SSX: BLur

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[x] Yes, and why ___some games have amazingly well done controls EX. MP3________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[x] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii ________needs more shooters_______________ ___________
Playstation 3 _______needs more games ___________________________________ ____
XBOX 360 ____needs to be cheaper, more original games.______________________________________________ ______

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?

headset would be nice, downloadale demos. . .
Glad to help out.

Personal information
[ x] Male / [ ] Female

Age: seventeen

[ ] Employed
[ x] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: U.S.

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[x ] Playstation 2
[ x] Nintendo Gamecube
[x ] XBOX
[ x] Wii
[ x] XBOX 360
[ x] Playstation 3
[ x] Other: all older consoles back to the NES (well, most of them)

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[x ] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? chose yes, but i would still like to see more FPS games.

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[x] Yes, and why ..Controls arent that hard to pick up. i learned each new game within a half hour. feels natural in most games.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
awesome idea. Nintendo really made a good console. makes the games so much mroe immersive.

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[x] Yes, and why _____everything i expected from it. of course its not perfected yet..
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ ] No, and why as of right now im bored with my console. the game library is still small and i've played/bought all the games i wanted to up untill this point and i have to wait another month for a good game to be released.

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii : great, fun, original console. backwards compatibility is awesome and so is teh VC and internet channel and the other promising channels coming out soon. the Wii has a great interface and some pretty fun games.
Playstation 3 :raw power, decent ammount of games-more to come of course. i'd love to own one but the price is an issue for me. the price reduction made it affordable but its not worth buying just yet for a few reasons, Games, Graphics not to full potential yet, and HOME isnt out yet.
XBOX 360 :Best game of the 3 consoles, but also the most faulty. the red ring of death needs to be worked out andi beleive its just about taken care of but that doesnt make up for the last 2 years. of course it has the best-and most expensive online available today.

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
games, games, games. and i beleive the graphics arent being pushed to the wiis limits due to half-assed ports of last gen games.
Personal information
[X] Male / [ ] Female

Age: _16__

[ ] Employed
[X] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: __usa___

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[X] Playstation 2
[X] Nintendo Gamecube
[X] Wii
[ ] XBOX 360
[X] Playstation 3
[X] Other __most handheld, and most older games____

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[X] Demo Machine
[X] Friends and relatives own console
[X] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more(own)

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[ ] Yes, and why __the controles and games are sweet!___
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
_they fit in my hand good and the buttons______
_are just were i need them_

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[ ] Yes, and why _yes, it is easy to use. (and fun)_
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[ ] Yes, and why _it is addicting__
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii ____the best out there!________________________ ___________
Playstation 3 __eh? idk its ok.____________________________ ____
XBOX 360 _____sweet!________________________________ ______

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
___NO!______________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ _______________
Personal information
[x] Male / [ ] Female

Age: 23_____

[x] Employed
[ ] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: uk_____________

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[x] Playstation 2
[x] Nintendo Gamecube
[x] XBOX
[x] Wii
[x] XBOX 360
[x] Playstation 3
[x] Other pretty much all prevous consoles_________________________

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
5~15 hours /

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[x] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
If Not, why? not enough to cater for the old skool gamer. ie not enough 'serious' games. __________________________________

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes /

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[x] Yes, and why
because it was designed to be easy to play. The controls are intuitive, as are many of the games. it is designed for the non gamer

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
_a true revolution. sets a bench mark for all future consoles._________________________________________

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[x] Yes, and why _it is very sensitive to subte movements_____________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[x] Yes, and why just like any console, you can play it for hours non stop______________________________
[x] No, and why some games are just too simple and childish.______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii _excellent value for money_________________________________________________ ___________
Playstation 3 __the best console. will ultimately be the dominant, but because of the price is still excellent value for money, but still a high price.________________________________________________ ____
XBOX 360 _very good console for the old fashioned gamer. will eventually be over shadowed by the PS3_________________________________________________ ______

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
_High Definition. A hard drive. More support of online play. A faster processor. _________________________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ _______________
Personal information
[X] Male / [ ] Female

Age: 18

[ ] Employed
[X] Student
[ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: Belgium

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[X] Playstation 2
[ ] Nintendo Gamecube
[ ] XBOX
[X] Wii
[X] XBOX 360 (Only a couple of minutes)
[ ] Playstation 3
[X] Other PlayStation 1, Super NES, Nintendo 64, Sega Megadrive (Only a couple of hours)

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / 5~15 hours / 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[X] Friends and relatives own console
[X] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[X] Yes, and why: It's as easy as any other modern console.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
It's a fun innovation. I enjoy it a lot and think it's better than classic controllers. I do think that third party developers have problems programming for the controller making gameplay on some games bad. The Nunchuck is necessary for the optimal gaming experience.

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[X] Yes, and why: It makes playing more fun as I expected.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[X] Yes, and why: Wii is as playable as any other console.
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii: Very fun, nice new innovations, great exclusive games.

Playstation 3: Don't know much about PS3. Graphics look great but the gameplay is still the same as on my older consoles which is why I don't want one.

XBOX 360: Good graphics. Also lack of innovation. Looks better than the PS3.

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
I don't like wireless controllers because they require batteries. I would prefer the possibility of wired wiimotes that don't require batteries. Voice chat in online games would be a great improvement.
  • Thread Starter
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  • #13

Cheers for spending the time and effort to complete the survey. It's been very helpful and shows how Wii is really trying to expand the scope of the console player-base.

I'm currently doing a few more rounds of surveying with my friends, and hopefully get around to do some of the gaming stores. I'll post what I've found up here after the data collection for those of u interested to have a different take on the gaming culture.

Thanks again :)
(This message should not discourage anyone to take the survey! Because the more the better :lol: )
Personal information
[ ] Male / [/ ] Female

Age: _25____

[ ] Employed
[ ] Student
[/ ] Other ___________

Country of residence: ____USA_________

1.What types of consoles have you played games with before?
[ ] Playstation 2
[ ] Nintendo Gamecube
[ ] XBOX
[ /] Wii
[ ] XBOX 360
[ ] Playstation 3
[ /] Other _NES, N64________________________

2.How long do you game per week? (please circle or underline)
< 2 hours / 2~5 hours / [/U]/ 15 hours or more

3.Where have you tried Nintendo Wii?
[ ] Demo Machine
[ ] Friends and relatives own console
[/ ] Own one yourself
[ ] Other __________

4.How many different Wii games have you tried?
< 5 games / 5~10 games / 10 games or more

5.Are you happy with the variety of games Wii offers?
/Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

6.If you own your Wii console, did you think you received value for the price it was sold for?
/Yes / No
If Not, why? __________________________________

7.Do you think Wii is an easy console to learn to play?
[ /] Yes, and why ___________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

8.What is your opinion on the motion-sensitive Wii Controllers (Numchucks)?
______For the most part I think they're great but I don't like if the remote is held even slightly incorrectly the gameplay gets messed up. ____________________________________

9.Does the controller and sensor live up to your expectations?
[ ] Yes, and why ______________________________
[ /] No, and why __I would say yes but as before if the remote and sensor don't see eye to eye the gameplay/accuracy can seem a bit off.____________________________

10.Do you think Wii is very playable? (eg. You can play it for a long time? Or does it feel too shallow or is it easy to be bored compared to other console offerings)
[ /] Yes, and why __The games are so fun and addictive lol____________________________
[ ] No, and why ______________________________

11.What do you think about each of the 3 consoles out on the market today?
Wii ___Very fun and enjoyable, I like the interactive play it offers._______________________________________________ ___________
Playstation 3 ____I think the price is very high despite the pwer of the system.______________________________________________ ____
XBOX 360 _________Very nice visuals_________________________________________ ______

12.In your opinion, is there anything that can be done to improve the Wii console? Or is there anything that it is lacking so far?
_________________Nothing except I do sometimes think the remote is overly sensitive._________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ _______________

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