What stage would you make for Brawl

Well, if you can add grass to a level, i'd just make a simple ground platform with grass all over it.. basically going for the effect of an empty grass field.

But if you can use themed objects and platforms from already created stages (ex: Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Smashville, Bridge Of Eldin, etc.), then I'll probably go for something more in-depth and creative.
hmmm im thinking of putting 5 pass-through platforms in this formation( ^ ) with the 1 at the top and 2 in the other 2rows, i dunno i like that idea for me to play on.

i was also thinking of 3 thick pillars( tall as those buildings in that melee ness level, i believe its called eagleland,fourside) but in between the pillars there are spikes. and maybe one decent sized passthrough platform above the middle pillar, id like that :)