What will come as standard?


Sep 6, 2006
Well, I was just wondering, on launch of the Nintendo Wiil, will the console come bundled, as standard, with the nunchuk peripheral and the sensor bar?


will we have to pay extra?


does nobody know and is screaming at me "JUST WAIT UNTIL THE CONFERENCE!?

That is all :)
Im pretty sure the nunchuk and sensor bar come with it.

Except for that, you can believe what you want;

Virtual console points?
classic controller?
Wii Sports/ music?
Memory card?
Duck Hunt?

so many roumers im afraid.
I would expect the nunchuck to come with it, seeing as it is BASICALLY essential for some gameplay. But I may be wrong. I had HEARD somewhere that you get a gc controller? not sure where i heard it. Might've been on the boards somewhere. I also think the wii sports/music should be included. Nintendo COULD make a lot of money off of it as its own game but it seems to small to be a full fledged game. So basically I'm saying it's Elektroplankton. Good idea. Not worth full game price.
I would say the Nunchuk and sensor bar will both come with the console, since they both seem to be essential to some games. I'm not so sure about the classic controller, but it's a fairly good possibility.
Nunchuk is fo sho coming with, I would imagine a nice bundle for the family to enjoy.
pmarc22 said:
I would expect the nunchuck to come with it, seeing as it is BASICALLY essential for some gameplay. But I may be wrong. I had HEARD somewhere that you get a gc controller? not sure where i heard it. Might've been on the boards somewhere. I also think the wii sports/music should be included. Nintendo COULD make a lot of money off of it as its own game but it seems to small to be a full fledged game. So basically I'm saying it's Elektroplankton. Good idea. Not worth full game price.
The gamecube controller of which you speak is simply that. A gamecube controller. It was officially announced that there will be game cube controller ports on the Wii.
most likely pre-order will have some special gift, they usually do, like a discounted bundle package, I'm hoping included is wii-sports, 2 wii-motes nunchuk attached and a few free VC downloads as core, and maybe a zelda bundled discount package, then I only need to get red-steel and over the next few months a couple more controllers, If the release is oct 2 then I'll have $320-$360 saved, should be enough for what I want.. for now...

I would be pleased with just...

WiiMote + NunChuck + SensorBar
Nintendo Wii Console

Things I'd quite like as bonus...

Wii Sports
Extra WiiMote + NunChuck
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Classic Controller + Virtual Console game(s)

I think it will be quite likely that Wii Sports and an Extra WiiMote (not sure about an Extra NunChuck) will be included as standard, as to attract more non gamers. I think it is less likely that the Classic Controller and Virtual Console game(s) will be included. Hmm, maybe there will be multiple packages? ones for gamers, and ones for non gamers. The gamers package may include Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess + Classic Controller + Virtual Console game(s), and the non gamers may include Wii Sports + Extra WiiMote(s).

I was just thinking that it would be a nice idea for them to sell the Classic Controller separately, together with 3-5 Virtual Console games :).

BTW, I always thought the SensorBar was just part of the Console/WiiMote???, anyhows I just listed it to avoid confusion.

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registerednerd said:
The gamecube controller of which you speak is simply that. A gamecube controller. It was officially announced that there will be game cube controller ports on the Wii.

i KNEW that.. the ports are under that "mischievous" flap. i meant i had heard that you GET a gc controller in the box to plug INTO the ports. After reading other boards though i'm getting a lil' less confident in that.
^^yeah, preatty much. Except, the gamecube ports aren't under the "infamous flap", they are under a hidden flap on the top/side (depending on how it's oriented). The "infamous flap" contains the SD card slot.

woops, didn't quite understand that right (that's why I always make sure to re-read what I reply to). Where in the heck did the delete button go on here?
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Right, okay..now what else was it that I want to know...ah yes.

Do you think that the base (that the Wii rests on) will come in the box? It is in like every picture you see of it so...yea. Is it?

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