What would happen if you dont preorder ever?


WiiChat Member
Aug 23, 2006
I wont be able to preorder at the store, so my only chance is online. If i didnt/couldnt online ( I plan on it thought) would you have to wait until january to get one? You can preorder once the "deadline" is up. so how would you get one???? I called stores near me, they are like we have 5, one store had3... O man
yankeesrule13251 said:
I wont be able to preorder at the store, so my only chance is online. If i didnt/couldnt online ( I plan on it thought) would you have to wait until january to get one? You can preorder once the "deadline" is up. so how would you get one???? I called stores near me, they are like we have 5, one store had3... O man

No, there will be continual shipments through this year, if you miss the first one.
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Then as soon as i get that e-mail saying You can now preorder online.. Bundle or regualr package i am preordering immediatley.!
Depending on what happens tomorrow at EBgame ill probly od the same thing..i already ask Amazon to alert me if any console arrive in stock
If you failed to read the fine print, let me sum it up for you:

While GameStop/EBGames and probably every other store recommend that you preorder to ensure you can buy a console on launch day, they cannot reserve a system for you.

The only thing a preorder does is gives corporate a ballpark amount of how many units to ship to a certain store.

For example, if a store only gets one preorder for an item(as is the case with really crappy games), corporate will only send one additional copy of that game, making the count X + 1, where X is their original bulk amount.

Now, in the case of the Wii, Nintendo intends to have 2 million units at launch, which means they could either possibly have higher or fewer yields. If you do the math, it turns out that there will probably be 200,000 consoles for Canada and some regions of Mexico, leaving 1.8 million consoles for the United States.

Halve that to find out how many consoles will be divided among video game stores(GameStop/EBGames, GameCrazy, etc). The rest will go to your Targets, Walmarts, Toys R Us', etc. This leaves 900,000 units for each.

If you figure that there are 25,000 GameStop/EBGames locations and only 700 GameCrazy locations, the worst case scenario would be 20 consoles per store.

Edit: My numbers are off slightly, there are only 4,400 GameStop/EBGames locations in North America, meaning there could possibly be as many as 90 units per store.
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Stores might only really be crowded on preorder dates... Good enough of an excuse for me not to stand around and wait for two hours.
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well if pre order doesent work tomarrow, I will just wait at the door for best buy. They are not takeing pre orders so its every gamer for himself.
White-Wolf said:
well if pre order doesent work tomarrow, I will just wait at the door for best buy. They are not takeing pre orders so its every gamer for himself.

I don't think there's going to be a problem.

Current reports state that Nintendo's yields could be as high as 11 million units through December, meaning there could be as many as 5 million units available in North America by the end of the year.

Even if penetration is as high as Nintendo hopes, that still leaves a Wii sitting on a store shelf waiting for you when you want it.
i doubt there will be a problem .. as for standing out side of best buy .. i wont do lol .. theres always a circuit city or mall in the ghetto where you pretty much guarntee one lol . at least that works for me . xbox 360 was a breeze to get .
meh i can wait for online pre-ordering they send me my wii on the 20th in the mail so i don't have to waste my time waiting in line some where:)
Allways preorder if you can (there might be a freebe)
I didnt with the ds lite but still walked in and got one
Darkprinny said:
Allways preorder if you can (there might be a freebe)
I didnt with the ds lite but still walked in and got one

GameStop/EBGames is forbidden from requiring customers to preorder with bundles, so it's probably going to be as "no frills" as possible; like I stated earlier, they can't even guarantee that your preorder doesn't turn into someone else's launch day campout purchase.
teqguy said:
in the case of the Wii, Nintendo intends to have 2 million units at launch, which means they could either possibly have higher or fewer yields. If you do the math, it turns out that there will probably be 200,000 consoles for Canada and some regions of Mexico, leaving 1.8 million consoles for the United States.

Aren't you forgetting: The rest of the world ? ie, Japan, Europe, Australia, etc. Or is 2 million the number for America only ?

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