where do gamecube games go in?

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how does that work if they are different sizes?

like, try and put a gamecube disc in a car stereo..they'll both get ****ed up!
Why are you questioning what's easy to understand?

try and put a gamecube disc in a car stereo..they'll both get ****ed up!

Maybe because a car stereo isn't supposed to have a gamecube disc?! Nintendo made it a specification to allow GC disks.
Im assuming that the wii disks will be slightly skinnier than the gamecube disks, that way the gamecube disks can be funnelled into the correct position.
I've been thinking about this as well. The best I can come up with is that there is some kind of spring loaded "funnel" that the discs travel into. If it is a gamecube disc, it follows the "funnel" to the spindle, if it's a Wii disc, the "funnel" popps out of the way and lets the disc in.
theyll probably have two things on the side that the wii game will push in to get in the middle, and the gamecube games will just slide in
Well, when you put in a wii game, it sorta sucks the disc in after a certain point youve pushed it in..so most probs you just put the gc disk in, and the wii will do the rest
Yeah, i think it will suck it in and it will know the middle of the disc.
^Exactly, the Wii will have no problem determining the difference in size from a GC game and a Wii game.
I'm sure it wont... but I kinda see this scratching disks over time :s
Well, when you put in a wii game, it sorta sucks the disc in after a certain point youve pushed it in..so most probs you just put the gc disk in, and the wii will do the rest

this is probably right^^; as well, dont u think that Nintendo already thought about this?? y r u questioning such a thing like its really gonna b a problem that Nintendo missed? dont worry about it, they wont leave it missed like that lol no need to be concerned :yesnod:

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