Wii Accessories what+how many?


****** by Syntax
Dec 20, 2007
Banned by Syntax for no reason, all subscribed thr
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I have got 2 wiimotes, 2 nunchuk's, joytech charging dock, and joytech gun frame, and thats all, how many people got 4 wiimotes?
i want to get 2 more wiimotes, and 3 more gun frames for Ghost Squad, because that would be sooooo wicked, would'nt you agree? FOUR player Ghost squad Arcade style, hey?

Thing is though, wiimotes cost £30, Nunchuks £20, gun frames £15 altogether that's = £145, thats only £35 from a new wii?
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I own 4 remotes, 4 nunchuks, and 1 zappper.
I bet your Ghost Squad party would have a blast without paying for the 3 other gunframes. Sounds like fun.
i own 2 wiimotes 2 nuchucks 2 wiimote and nunchuck jackets a lan adapter and component cables
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yeah idjut, probably, but, it would be nice if everyone enjoyed the same experience as the rest, i haven't got it yet btw, it's coming out 18th this month in uk!
Whats your favourate games?
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It's pouring over here in NY. i'm sick and staying home from work which means Wii all day!!

---> I have 4 wiimotes 2 nunchuks 1 zapper a usb cooling fan an intec carrying case and a Gamefly subscription to test drive games before I buy.

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