Wii camping thread!!!


WiiChat Member
Sep 17, 2006
Yes i know there are a bunch of other post with people talking about camping, i figured it would be better if it was all in one post.

Anyone else gana be wii camping on the 19th? this is my plan

My last class on friday ends at 12, then i have an hour drive home. Where i plan to take a shower, and pack up. I will then arange with my friends that plan on comming with me what time to meet up that day, im thinking around 4pm on friday. and well wait outside of walmart till sunday at midnight, that is if there doing a midnight launch. i still havent contacted them yet. the bad part is this walmart is not a 24 hour walmart so were gana be out in the cold for 32 hours. this is the list of what im probly gana bring:

heavy cloths to keep warm
winter coat
cooler full of ready to eat food
and money of course.

anything else i should bring? post your plans!

P.S. im planning on camping out in the southern NH area so if anyone wants to join me and 2 of my friends let me know

o_O;; No need to camp for me. Pre-ordered it at Gamestop. Kinda small island, so it wouldn't matter anyway. Plus, it's not like it's gonna sell out when I have my reciept. *Nod nod* Though I WOULD like to camp out. xP
I am definately bringing a camera with me, just because it's kinda cool to see how everybody's camping time went. But why are you waiting at 4pm on friday? That's a whole day before it comes out!

I'm bringing a chair, heavy coat, gloves, hat, and pants to keep warm, my iPod, camera, and then I'll sleep. =)
i think we should have some sort of competition for the first person to show a pic/vid of them playing the wii (like for a nunchuku or something)
Ronan said:
i think we should have some sort of competition for the first person to show a pic/vid of them playing the wii (like for a nunchuku or something)

Thats a pretty cool idea actually.

How about the first person to post a pic of themselves playing Wii with wiichat.com and their username written on paper in the pic (for verification) gets a game of their choice?
i0n said:
Thats a pretty cool idea actually.

How about the first person to post a pic of themselves playing Wii with wiichat.com and their username written on paper in the pic (for verification) gets a game of their choice?
lol. that would be cool. but whatabout the sad pple in UK?
MetroidZ said:
lol. that would be cool. but whatabout the sad pple in UK?

Hmm yea i'll give it some thought, maybe 1 for UK, 1 for U.S.. i'll figure it out closer to the release date.

In the meantime sorry to the thread starter for hijacking the thread :)
I like that idea iOn. No need to camp out for 32 hours. Just go there at 11PM on Saturday night. You'll get your Wii.


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