Wii emulator runing games at 720P?


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2009
Hello, the last week we see some reports from Joystiq.com and 1up.com about the Dolphin Wii emulator runing the games at 720p in a PC. There's some issues and things the Wii owners unknow, I will try to explain.


First the Wii games on a High-end PC looks awesome becose the video card power that can render the graphics from 480p to 1080p and more depending the video card features, plus the emulator uses the anti-aliasing and other filters to improve the graphics and the results are crisp and clear.
The gamers say: this is posible for the PC, but not for the Wii becose the lower-end graphics chip.
This is totally wrong, probably the Wii's graphics chip can't output 720p resolution, but using other add-on devices this can be done.

For example I have and recomend the XCM HDMI blaster, this device upscales the Wii visuals to 720P (the same xbox360 resolution output) in your HDTV without to use the Dolphin emulator. Or if you want you can use the XCM 1080p Mega-cool vga box to connect your Wii directly to your monitor at a maximun 1080p resolution.
There's other devices in the market, but I think these two devices are the best.



Second, Rene Barahona post some youtube videos running the emulator. I will promise you, that I will post some videos from my video camera showing the Wii games using the XCM HDMI Blaster and you can see the big difference, great cristal clear visuals even better than the emulator.

Plus, an upscaler device exclusive for Wii is in development from the HDfury creators team, they promise upscaling the Wii 480p to 720p and 1080p at lower customer price...
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How much would a good set up cost me?
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Yes, absolutely!!
If you buy one of these devices from the XCM website:


The HDMI Blaster cost $ 89.99 and can output a maximun 720p resolution on your HDTV using a HDMI cable.

And, the XCM 1080p Mega-cool vga box cost $ 87.99 and can out a maximun 1080p on your PC monitor using a vga cable.
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no. the devices can UPSCALE the images to 720p/ that does not mean it IS 720p. it will still not look as good as if it were originally coded in 720p.
you aren't listening again

anything that makes something designed at 480 lines vertical, and makes it to a non-native resolution is a SCALER. it may do the job really well, but its impossible to add code that wasn't there originally.

However, the scaling of the video signal is top notch so you won't be disappointed

capable of taking a low resolution VGA source and converting it into HDMI

you will see sharp lines as the PS2 wasn't designed to output high definition signals

Wii can handle using the HDMI Blaster to upgrade the signal to 720p

However, the conversion of 720p component signals or less results in a stunning picture

ability to upgrade the video signal to higher resolutions

to the XCM 1080p Mega Cool VGA box's 1080p upscanning
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Probably the code isn't the same than a native 720p resolution, but using the upscaler is a minimun difference. I compared the Wii menu with the upscaler and the xbox360 menu at native 720p, frankly I don't see the difference, the Wii menu looks so great that appears like original 720p. It's the same as you use the MadCatz HDMI adapter for your xbox360 to upscale the resolution from 720p to 1080p and the results are like the original 1080p. Play a Bluray-movie at 1080p and a DVD upscaling to 1080p (using the same movie) the results are the same, like the original. The upscaling process is well done that really you don't see the difference.

If you really want the best sharp cristal clear visuals for your Wii, this is the way!!
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I could run an Atari 2600 emulator on my PC at 1280x1024 resolution, but that doesn't mean the games suddenly look like a PS3 or 360.
You CANNOT no matter how much scaling magically transform a 480p mastered image to a higher resolution. Be it a picture, movie or video game because the game/movie/picture was never coded for it. No matter how "crisp" or "clear" the image looks it's still a 480p image. You CANNOT add graphics that weren't developed in the first place.

You CANNOT make an SD television display HD images. YES you can play with the settings and make the picture look nicer and sharper, but it will never be able to display in HD unless you redevelop the hardware itself


The only way to truly get a REAL 720p image without artifacts is to recreate the Wii system so it can run at the resolution and then redevelop the game/s to display 1280x720 pixel images. This would work but would not be worth the time.

Just enjoy your games. the Wii2 is only 3 years away. It is almost %95 guaranteed it will be HD compatible since Nintendo was waiting for the price of HD to go down.
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good point!!

Ok, upscaling the resolution it's not exactly 720p or 1080p, but it's 95% close. The important here is the results, if the results are great and far better than using component cables, this must be a good add-on to my Wii.
And again the difference with the native resolution is minimun, wait when I release the videos on youtube and probably your opinion change...
good point!!

Ok, upscaling the resolution it's not exactly 720p or 1080p, but it's 95% close. The important here is the results, if the results are great and far better than using component cables, this must be a good add-on to my Wii.
And again the difference with the native resolution is minimun, wait when I release the videos on youtube and probably your opinion change...
ive seen some of these in action, and they do a decent job.
these things are expensive. think 3/4 the price of the wii if not more.

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