Wii graphics


WiiChat Member
Jul 25, 2006
Hey guys, i dont know if this has been widely discussed or anything.. if it is, just let me know.

Now I know that the graphics will probably not match up to ps3 or 360. But does anyone know if it will be like current ps2 graphics? or inbetween a ps2 and ps3/360?
all ive heard is that it will be a bit better than the GC graphics. hopefully its better than the ps2 and xbox graphics. but i would rather the developers work on gameplay rather than graphics.
taejien said:
Hey guys, i dont know if this has been widely discussed or anything.. if it is, just let me know.

Now I know that the graphics will probably not match up to ps3 or 360. But does anyone know if it will be like current ps2 graphics? or inbetween a ps2 and ps3/360?
Better than PS2's graphics, are you kidding? Gamecube has better graphics than PS2 and looking at Super Mario Galaxy, it's graphics may be better than the Xbox and, in some cases, close to the Xbox 360's graphics.

I'm not sure about the PS3's graphics because so much of it's videos are not true gameplay, but I don't think they're that much better than the 360's.

*EDIT* It also depends on what you think good graphics are. Do you want realistic graphics like Hal-life 2 has or cool cel-shaded graphics like LOZ: WW and Sly Cooper? Both styles have their good points, in my opinion.
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NateTheGreat said:
Better than PS2 graphics, are you kidding? Gamecube has better graphics than PS2 and looking at Super Mario Galaxy, it's graphics may be better than the Xbox and, in some cases, close to the Xbox 360's graphics.

I'm not sure about the PS3's graphics because so much of it's videos are not true gameplay, but I don't think they're that much better than the 360's.
if sony is charging $600 for a PS3, the graphics should be better. if not im sure we might see sony fanboys go and slash the executives throats.
NateTheGreat said:
Better than the PS2's graphics? Gamecube has better graphics than PS2 and looking at Super Mario Galaxy, it's graphics may be better than the Xbox and, in some cases, close to the Xbox 360's graphics.

yeah it has been said by many people that the GC has better graphics. And i have heard many rumors saying that its closer to the 360's graphics. I personally believe that it will be close to playing a 360 on a regular tv.

EMPHASIS on close
Actually, according to the wii's current specs, the graphics should be over the original xbox's graphics. if you dont believe me, compare the wii's specs to the xbox's (not the 360).

it is definatley better than the gc's, no worries there. It isnt that close to 360.
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struss789 said:
yeah it has been said by many people that the GC has better graphics. And i have heard many rumors saying that its closer to the 360's graphics. I personally believe that it will be close to playing a 360 on a regular tv.

EMPHASIS on close

I agree. I should be close to playing with an X-BOX 360 on a nornal TV.

Some people say that it shouldn't be better at all because they are focusing on the gameplay. but it really should be better, because graphics are important. though they are not the most important factor. And it's been a few years since the GC so it has to be at least a little better. I am perfectly happy with the graphics like LoZ:TP or MG.
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wow thanks for all the replies. i never knew gc have better graphics than a ps2? or close?

like for example.. god of war.. will the wii have some games or graphics like that? now i know that nintendo doesn't really make games like those, more of on the gameplay games.. but j/w.

does anyone have screenshots of gc games with really good graphics since u guys said that it has better graphics than a ps2 so i know how it does compare to the ps2?
Dude, PS2 graphics are horrid just trust us on this one. GC has better graphics in the majority of its games.

The Wii will have great graphics - you also have to understand too that good graphics in a game is heavily dependant on how much effort the game developer puts into making the graphics good. If you take a look at Red Steel, Mario Galaxy, or Smash Brawl you can see that these games are close to many of the 360 games out right now.
taejien said:
wow thanks for all the replies. i never knew gc have better graphics than a ps2? or close?

like for example.. god of war.. will the wii have some games or graphics like that? now i know that nintendo doesn't really make games like those, more of on the gameplay games.. but j/w.

does anyone have screenshots of gc games with really good graphics since u guys said that it has better graphics than a ps2 so i know how it does compare to the ps2?

If you've ever played Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, a beautiful game, on the PS2 and then on the Gamecube, you'll see better colors, animations, lighting effects, etc. It's very difficult to find side-by-side pictures of the Gamecube and PS2 versions of games, so check out IGN's Top Ten Best Looking Gamecube Games. The pictures they have don't do them justice, so I would suggest watching the following videos of a few of these games: Metroid Prime2, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, F-Zero GX, and I can't believe they didn't put it on the list, Mario Sunshine.

Here are a few pics from that list (click to enlarge):



Also, check out this PS2 vs Gamecube vs Xbox review, which is very telling.

Since the PS2 came out before the Gamecube and Xbox, it doesn't have as good of graphics as either when it comes to games that release for all the consoles. However, there are some ugly Gamecube games and pretty PS2 games, but for the most part, the Gamecube is noticably better.

Hope that helps.

*NOTE* Some of these videos require Quicktime, so if you don't have that, download it here and get the free version; this post took me a while, so I sort of hope you actually watch the videos.:(
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NateTheGreat said:
Since the PS2 came out before the Gamecube and Xbox, it doesn't have as good of graphics as either when it comes to games that release for all the consoles. However, there are some ugly Gamecube games and pretty PS2 games, but for the most part, the Gamecube is noticably better.
Exactly, i think most people forgot that the ps2 came out a year and a half before the gc and xbox. The ps2's graphics were the worst of the last gen consoles, however they did sell 32 million ps2's :p

i think xbox has sole like 12 million to date (the xbox really blew in japan and wasnt liked at all)

dont know about the GC
wiiener said:
Exactly, i think most people forgot that the ps2 came out a year and a half before the gc and xbox. The ps2's graphics were the worst of the last gen consoles, however they did sell 32 million ps2's :p

i think xbox has sole like 12 million to date (the xbox really blew in japan and wasnt liked at all)

dont know about the GC

Wikipedia says here that Nintendo sold 20.85 million Gamecubes as of March 2006.

Wikipedia also says here 24 million Xboxs were sold as of Q2 2006, but next to that number it says citation is needed, so that number is not for sure.
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I think wii graphics will be better than the 360 anyway, nintendo hasnt said anything about the wii graphic processor and I think it will be a very big surprise anyway
Arcadium said:
I think wii graphics will be better than the 360 anyway, nintendo hasnt said anything about the wii graphic processor and I think it will be a very big surprise anyway

....... yes they have ...

and no they wont be as good as the 360's. MANY people have confirmed that. the only way they could be better than the 360's is if nintendo makes changes before release
wiiener said:
and no they wont be as good as the 360's. MANY people have confirmed that. the only way they could be better than the 360's is if nintendo makes changes before release
heh, i doubt they will make changes now because theyve already started prodution on the wii (not contradicting you). i think the wii will have the worst graphics of this generation. but i dont care! im getting one for TP:Dhehe

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