Wii + HDTV = CRAP ???


WiiChat Member
Sep 9, 2006
Hi, I'm really looking forward to the wii, but something is bugging me: Will the Wii look like crap on my HDTV?

When my old TV broke, I bought a 50" HDTV. Due to my room size, I'm pretty close to the TV, around 6 to 7 feet away. From my experience with SD TV and my Playstation 2, the picture quality is very disappointing. I actually stoped playing my ps2 because it just looks like utter crap.

So my worry is, since the Wii is not HD, will it do the same as it does with my ps2 and standart TV?
my friend has a big TV too, its not cause its HD (question, are HD TVs flat?) its becuase the screen is so big the pixeled are spreaded,
either A: You gotta go back further
B: there MIGHT be an option to re adjust your screen size so it looks smaller and better. my other friend's TV has a thing where you can split it into 2 screens so one person can play video games while the other watches TV (one or the other wouldnt get sound depending on settings) so it should work similar to that if they can resize it on his screen
Alright, well the real answer is: It depends.

Yeah, I'll explain what I mean. First, you probably thought the PS2 looked like crap on your HDTV not because of the input cables, but because the PS2 just has horrible graphics. Just wondering though, were you using a component cable or just the crappy composite cable that came with the PS2? Now, will Wii look like sh*t on your TV, well it depends on the game. Some games are being made with 16:9 and progressive scan enabled while others don't have these options, so that's major. Wii will have better graphics than all the current generation consoles, including the original Xbox, so if you've played Xbox on your HDTV and found it acceptable, then Wii will be even better than that. Just make sure you buy a component video cable for your Wii, which will give you the best possible picture.

Hope that helped.:)
u know everybody think that just because the Wii isnt going to support HD that the graphics and quality r gonna suck...the developers obviously thought about this already and they wouldnt just leave it hanging...but they probably also did something about it; they get more buyers in terms of ppl who do not have HD and can still buy the system unlike other consoles; anyways, they probably made it so that the graphics and quality would still b good even without HD, u know what i mean?
m7ticalm said:
Does component cable give u better look than composite? Is composite the yellow, red and whit cables?
Oh yeah, component is definitly better than composite and yes, composite cables are the ones with the yellow, red and white cables.

I remember I bought a 27" flat screen tube TV (it's the kind with the big back, not the LCD or Plasma kind) and hooked up my Xbox and played Spliter Cell. I thought it looked amazing at the time because before I was playing on a round-screen 19" tube TV. Then I realized this new TV had component inputs, so I went out and bought a component cable. I tried playing the game again in the same level and man, it looked quite a bit nicer. The blacks were really blacks, the colors more vibrant and what I really noticed was the lights didn't have hardly any pixilation, which they definitley were when playing with composite cables. The only better cables you can get are VGA, DVI, or HDMI, which Wii doesn't have, so component will be the best. Just as a side note, all the current gen console's, PS2, Xbox, Gamcube come standard with those crappy composite cables, so if you have a TV with S-video (better than composite but not as good as component) or component inputs (component inputs are colored blue, green, red) definitly buy the better video cable.
The wii will be the same resolution as a normal DVD.
not high def really, but not a really low def either.
actually... that would be untrue as dvd video goes through an mpeg 4 compression. I would assume that the games would not be compressed as that would be a horrible waste of power! In other words... the wii will be able to output higher quality picture to the tv.
DarkDepths said:
actually... that would be untrue as dvd video goes through an mpeg 4 compression. I would assume that the games would not be compressed as that would be a horrible waste of power! In other words... the wii will be able to output higher quality picture to the tv.

DVD Uses Mpeg 2 compression, not 4

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