Wii in Australia thread

FALCON FTW... I always knew it all along.
His Final Smash must be too devastating...
*FAAAANCOOOONNNNNNN... p* .... *entire map disappears*
Wow they are coming fast,
Ganandorf now confirmed
I'm just interested in seeing the playable characters, I've avoided all the info on the SSE as I don't want that spoiled.
Damn these tempting spoilers, I just couldn't resist! The game's spoilers will have been ruined by the time we get Brawl by the American release, so it doesn't matter anyway. I think I am the only person keen to see Pichu return :\.

gpoleweski said:
Lol...I'm glad to hear...And I don't think you're losing your mind...Just seems like an 'off' day...You haven't been on for a while...Or...did you just change your sig from the woman crying blood...? Was that a woman...was that your sig?....All will be revealed in the next post...If he/she hasn't already gone offline...

I've been on, only outside of this one thread. I felt like I didn't have anything to contribute until my riveting story about slapping myself. The sig was introduced around new year, and yes - it was a woman crying blood.
pfft, wait untill you start full time work.

i'd gladly go back to school insted of going to work :lol: only 4 weeks holidays a year. not the... ~2 months that school kids get. :sad:
I second that. While yous were on your 6-8week breaks I was still working...Christmas holidays? try a 2 day break...
AndThen? said:
I know what you mean... my physics textbook cost $130. It's got lots of nice colours though. We don't start school 'til next week :p
All my uni texts are $120+ and I need atleast four.
Deanis said:
I second that. While yous were on your 6-8week breaks I was still working...Christmas holidays? try a 2 day break...

:lol: they dont know how good they have it :p

i was lucky enough to get a week off during christmas. oh what a week!

i take it that you work in retail? only getting a 2 day holiday ?
Yep! Retail.... Franklins...ha haha

Dont worry Im about to start uni in the hopes of getting a 'real' job.
yeah i work in the retail industry aswell ( not in shopping centres like coles/big W e.t.c) my boss just said to the owner " we woudl all like a week of over christmas" the owner said " no problems " :lol:

yeah go to uni, but be prepared for the hex fees!
Sonic and Mario at the Olympics, not that bad, not bad at all. Although I wonder why there's a WiFi thing on the front. I would investigate but my internet died.

Since Gpoleweski is such a smart arse and can't seem to understand English the clsoing comment has been removed
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Wow...good on you for knowing that...WHY AM I $10!?

I just remembered!!! Today at laser challenge...They had the Mortal Kombat music on...W00t!!! I love that song....MORTAL KOMBAT-Go Scooter!

You know...I really don't have to go to school...If I wanna know anything I can just ask someone a question...Like Eagles with a huge load of stuff because his an all rounder...Eki with History...nkbswe5 for video media or whatever...and Deity for other not as important stuff...And I'm sure others would be there too...So...NO SCHOOL FOR ME W00t!!!
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